Chapter 23

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Baekhyun Pov

Waking after a very long sleep I finally feel no pain. Sitting up I go in search of my husband and my boy. "Chanyeol there you are how long was I asleep?"I find him sitting in front of the fire with his head low. "Chanyeol are you ok?" I sit beside him reaching out but my hand goes through him. "Chanyeol" I try again to touch him but my hand keeps going through him. I scream his name and he looks up into the fire with red raw eyes from crying. "Baek my world why did you have to leave so soon" I watch him sob as I look around feeling panic. I get up and rush around the cabin looking for our son but he isn't here. "Chanyeol what's going on?" I shout as I make my way over to the cabin door trying to open it but I can't.

Making my way back over to him I stand in front of him waving my hands but he looks right through me. I burst out crying falling to my knee in front of the man I love who can't seem to see me. I watch as he opens his hand looking at my wedding ring, eternity and engagement ring in the palm of his hand. "I'm so sorry I should have never let you go have that operation. I should have kept you at home to rest and let Sehun bring Tae back home. I should have known it was too early to bring you back here" I watch as he sobs into his hands after sliding my rings down his pinky finger.

Knocking comes to the cabin door as he shouts for whoever it is to come in. "Dad" I see my son enter the room as I rush to him holding out my arms but he too passes right through me and falls into Chanyeol's arms. "Sorry Chanyeol but he wanted you" Sehun closes the door and sits on the edge of the sofa watching My son and husband hug. "Why did mom have to go? He was ok when he got back dad. Why was he taken from us" Tae sobbs into Chanyeol's arms breaking my heart.

Walking backwards I cant believe what I am seeing and what is happening right in front of me . Why are they messing? I'm right here. "Ok stop this now I am right here" I cover my mouth sobbing as I have come to realise I must be dead.

"Dad, did you think mom would have liked the funeral and the speech I gave?" I watch my son sit beside his dad on the floor in my favourite spot leaning his head into his chest. "Mom would have been looking down on us being so proud of you getting the courage to stand up there and say all those beautiful things you said and I am so so proud of you too" Chanyeol kisses his head making me bend over crying.

"Why was I taken now what happened to me. Where am I?" I move closer to my husband and son as Sehun leaves them alone closing the door to the cabin behind him. "Why don't you try sleep son it's been a very long few days" Chanyeol tells him as Tae looks up at him kissing his cheek "Can I sleep in your bed again dad I don't want to be alone and it still smells like mom" I watch Chanyeol wipe our sons tears as this is breaking my heart too much. "Go on son I will be in in a minute" Tae leaves as Chanyeol reaches under a blanket and takes out a urn placing it on the top of the mantel piece of the fire. "I didn't want to put you in the ground and have you cold so I thought since you like this fire so much I thought this would be the best place for you to be my world. I hope we did you proud with the funeral. I just wish I had of known more was wrong the day you asked to leave the restaurant and head home. I was such a shit husband that day but I really thought you just needed rest after the flight. Baek my world my heart I love you so so much and that will never change. I hope this spot will be ok" he kisses the urn and places a picture of me beside it.

I can't control my emotions anymore as I sob crying wanting to touch him but I can't. I watch as he walks past me and looks back one last time at the fireplace smiling. "If you're here in spirit My world, please know I am sorry and that I love you and I promise I will be a good dad to our boy" he wipes his tears as he turns off the light just leaving the fire to light the room as he joins our son in our bed.

"Do you think mom will like being placed on the mantel above the fire?" Tae asks as I watch from the bedroom door as he snuggles into Chanyeol holding him tight. "Mom will love it he always loved to sit in front of the fire from the first day I met him" Chanyeol kisses his head as I move in closer sitting on the bed watching them. "Dad one day will you tell me all the stories about you and mom. Uncle Kai and D.O said they would when the time was right '' Tae asks through tears as I try move closer to comfort him but I can't. "Of course I will just for now let's sleep ok" Chanyeol pulls a blanket over them both snuggling in. "Dad, I feel like mom is here with us. Do you think that maybe he is?" Tae whispers as chanyeol shushes him "Mom will always be here in our hearts and dreams so lets sleep little one".

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