Chapter 4

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Baekhyun's pov

I slowly start to move to try sit up on the floor but my wrist hurts like hell and so does my stomach , Chanyeol is going to kill me.

" Oh my god, Mr Park" I turn my head to see the nurse rushing in the door towards me followed by Kai.

"Mr Park what happened, are you ok?" the nurse panics as she tries to reach under my arm and pull me up from the floor. "Hey I have got this" Kai gets down on his hunkers in front of me and smiles "hey baby what have you done to yourself" he reaches under my legs and around my back and lifts me up into his arms and places me on the bed.

"Mr Park are you hurt anywhere?" the nurse looks at me so worried making me feel awful that I tried to get out of the bed without calling for her. "just my wrist when I was falling, I reached out and tried to stop myself smacking my face off the floor". I look down at my hands as the tears start to fall.

As the nurse checks over my wrist moving it side to side and backwards till I flinch at the pain. "I'm sorry Mr Park but I'm going to need to bring you to get a x-ray on that wrist. I'm also going to need you to lay back and let me check those stitches in your tummy" I wipe the tears that have fallen and lay back ever so gently as they both help me lay back on the bed.

"Baek you always like to do things when told not to don't you " Kai looks down at me while the nurse puts some gloves on before she examines me. "I will step outside to give you privacy" Kai lets go of my good hand as I grab it tighter "no please stay" I can see the look of pity in his eyes as he just nods. 

"Ok Mr Park I need to take off your dressing and make sure everything is ok" she smile before removing the bandage covering my scar as I grab Kai's hand tight making him rub it with his thumb. "well good thing is Mr Park your stitches are fine, I will just need to change that dressing while I am here". She quickly un packs a new dressing and places it over my stitches . " Now that's all done, I will just pop out and see if I can squeeze you in for a x-ray on that wrist" she removes her gloves throwing them in the trash along with my old dressing before leaving the room.

"Can you help me sit up" I ask Kai as he leans down helping me up. "what where you doing?" he asks me before pulling a chair close to my bed and sitting on it. " I wanted to take pictures of Taehyung, so when I was getting out of bed my foot caught in something and I fell and Chanyeol is going to kill me, I told him I wouldn't move or if I did I would call the nurse, I didn't want to bother her" I begin to cry as I hold my hurt left hand close to my chest.

"Same old Baek, stubborn as always" he laughs while comforting me from crying.

"Chanyeol is going to kill me I promised him I wouldn't move and if I needed to call the nurse" I begin to cry much more heavy now.

"Hey baby it will be ok the nurse will check it out and I'm sure Chanyeol wont worry too much once your ok that's all that matters" Kai kisses the top of my head as the nurse comes back into the room wheeling a wheelchair . " Mr Park we are ready for you now" she moves closer to me as she and Kai help me into the wheelchair. "what about my baby?" I look towards her.

"Hey don't worry uncle Kai is here, I will watch him plus you wont be gone for long" Kai stands up and moves closer to Taehyung's little bed and smiles in at him making me grateful that he is here.

"Ok thank you" I smile before being moved closer to the door " I wont be long little one" I say before heading down the corridor to the x-ray department.

Kai pov

"Well look at you little man aren't you a cutie" I lean over Taehyung's bed and I cant help but smile at how much he looks like baek. "your mum and dad are the most amazing people, and you have loads of uncles too, but don't worry you can come to me the most I will help you out in life and help you get the girls or boys whatever your into, I wont judge how can I I'm gay and married to the most amazing gorgeous man in the world and that's your uncle D.O, he couldn't be here today because he has to work but he will be up to see you soon" I reach in a rub his little hand that is now laying softly beside his head. "oh man this isn't good" I feel tears fall down my cheek as I quickly wipe it  then I find myself laughing . "your giving me the baby goo, I wonder if D.O will want a baby cause seeing you laying here right now and the look of love in your parents eyes really making me realise maybe I do want kids"

"I'm back is he ok?" I turn to see baek being rolled back into the room with a smile on his face and what look like a sock bandage for his wrist.

"So what's the news on the arm?" I move closer to help him out of the wheelchair and onto the bed. "Good it isn't broken just lightly sprained and I will just need to take painkillers for it" he smiles while looking at me with curiosity.

"I will be back in a bit to check on you and baby, please rest and if you need anything call me" The nurse tucks me into my bed before leaving.

"How you feeling baek?" I sit beside him as he just looks at me and smiles. "oh no you tell me what you where crying about before I came in the door" he playfully asks me making me blush.

"Nothing I was just looking at him, I wasn't crying" I begin to shift more in my seat feeling excited that I want to tell him.

"Come on now spill, or I will climb out of the bed again and slap you" he grins at me making me jump up from my seat so he doesn't.

"Ok ok I will tell you, just looking at him laying there is kind of making me want one" I actually start to feel shy with Baek and that one thing I never showed was shyness.

"That would be so perfect if you guys could have a baby, why don't you get tested and see who is the carrier" Baek moves in the bed and is all excited seeing him this happy warms my heart a lot.

"Maybe I will talk to D.O and see how he feels about all this, I wasn't really thinking of having kids but looking at that precious little man in there I cant help but want one, a little mini D.O and me" I feel my emotions start again as I quickly wipe my tears.

"Do you want to hold him" he smiles the biggest smile at me and I cant help but want to. "he is asleep I don't want to disturb him" I feel my body start to shake with nerves.

 "He will be awake soon anyway, now go lift him out" he looks all excited and if he could get out of the bed he would. "Ok" I stand up and move towards the little bed before I move to take him out I wipe my hand on my trousers and use some hand sanitiser to make sure I have no germs on my hands before picking up the precious little man. " I don't know to hold a baby" I laugh towards Baek as he is still sitting up in the bed all smiles egging me on to lift him. I gently put my hand under his little head and one under his tiny body and lift him up and lay him on my chest.

"There you go see that wasn't so hard" Baek smiles as I sit on the bed beside him. "Baek he is perfect, how are you and Chanyeol doing?" I can't take my eyes of the little man in my arms as I touch his little delicate hand. "we are perfect, everything is perfect Kai for once in my life my life is perfect" I turn to look at him crying as he leans on my shoulder looking down at his son in my arms. 

"You got the life you wished for baby and I'm so so proud of you, we all are" I lean in and kiss his forehead as the door to the room opens with chanyeol standing in the door way.

"Baek what's going on?"




I am excited to share with you that you wont be disappointed with the direction this story is going to go as I  will bring a few more character's into the story hopefully you will still support it like book 1


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