Chapter 26

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Chanyeol's pov

" Morning beautiful" I kiss Baekhyun's cheek as he wakes softly.

"Morning to you , busy day today the baby is home" he speaks with a crock after waking.

" Well my baby is here so I have no place to be just yet" I lean over him kissing his cheeks as he giggles " Chanyeol what's got into you this morning?" He playfully slaps my hands away from traveling down his body.

" I need us to make time alone today my world ", I kiss his nose making him look at me with a puzzled look.

" Chanyeol, Kai and D.O are home with the baby today. Sehun and Luhan will want to celebrate their baby news. I don't think we will have the time " I move away and lay on my back with one hand behind my head .

" Are you angry at me now?" He moves to lay his head on my chest as I look down at him before running my fingers through his messy head of hair .

" No my world I just wanted to tell you something and make it special"

" Can't you tell me now?" He sits up looking so adorable that I too sit up and pull him closer to me .

" Let's find some alone time please", I look at him with a serious look making him realise Its important.

" Ok, we will find some alone time" he snuggles back into me as we lay back down .

"You're not dying on me are you because that would break my heart and I would follow you" he says before bursting into tears. Sitting up so fast I grab his cheeks and look into his eyes " I am not going anywhere do you hear me . I am healthy I just have a condition called baek-itiss " I wink at him as he wipes his eyes laughing.

" Your so cheesy my plaster buddie" he hugs me again making me kiss the top of his head " that's why you love me" I kiss him again and just hold him for a few minutes.

" Mom, dad?" Tae shouts from the other side of the bedroom door .

" We should pretend we are still asleep" I lay back down covering both our heads with the duvet making Baekhyun laugh " we can't ignore our son"

" He ignores us why not" I playfully pull Baekhyun back as he tries to escape the bed.

" We are the parents not the kids" he rolls his eyes at me as he finally climbs out of the bed leaving me alone

" Before you open that door you need to look at what you did to me " I pull back the duvet and show him my semi hard cock

" Chanyeol " he shouts making me wink at him

" Put that away the kids are looking for us " he blushes still to this day over me and it's so satisfying that I haven't lost my touch with him.

" Yes dear" I playfully roll my eyes as I climb out of the bed and pull on some tracksuit bottoms leaving them hanging low on my waist.

" I swear your teasing me Park" Baekhyun reaches his hand out and pulls at the waist band of my trousers before biting his bottom lip.

" Would I ever do such a thing " I smirk before removing his hand

" Eh yes, since day one I met you" he huffs as I open the door to Tae

" What's wrong son?", I head out of the bedroom hearing Baekhyun mutter under his breath that he will get me back later

" We had breakfast can we head out into the snow for a bit before Uncle Kai and D.O get back please?"

" Yes, go out but be careful with your wrist Tae " Baekhyun gently touches my ass walking past me making me smirk

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