Chapters 1-2

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Eugenes pov

I woke up to Akiko crying from her room.

No! No! Daddy's coming I yelled out. I ran into her room and picked her up. What's wrong sweetie?

"I had a scary dream!" She says still crying.

Do you wanna sleep with daddy tonight? She shook her head while rubbing her eyes. Okay baby lets go.
"Grab buggy!" She says pointing behind me.

Buggy was a little stuffed bunny her mom sent with her when she dropped her on my door step five years ago with a note that read

"Dear Eugene, this is your kid next time wear a condom jerk!"

I didn't like the idea of having a kid but after a week I realized I couldn't live without her. I brought her back to my room and layed her in my bed. I held her close to my chest and moved her hair out of her face. Goodnight baby.

"Goodnight daddy."

"Daddy! Daddy!" I woke up to hear her screaming. What is it?

" I'm hungry" She said, jumping on my bed.

I glanced at the clock and noticed it was 7:40. Well there's no point in going back to sleep.

I climbed out of bed and walked with her to the kitchen. Okay baby we don't have time to cook breakfast before your uncles get here so do you want cereal or yogurt?

"Cheerios!!" She screamed back excitedly.

I poured the cereal and milk in her favorite princess bowl and handed it to her. She ate fast while I ran back and grabbed her and outfit for the day.

Ok we have to hurry, Arms up! She obeyed and I put her in a pink dress with white flats. Do you wanna leave your hair down today?

"Pig tails!" She shouted.

I brushed out her hair and put it into two low ponytails. I was just about to get dressed when there was a knock on the door. Come in!! I shouted. In walked Keith, Zach and Ned.

" UNCLE KEITH!" Akiko ran and hugged them one by one.

"Hey princess!!" Zach says picking her up. Do you mind buckling her in her carseat I need to get dressed?

"Of course not!" Keith says picking her up. I ran back and threw on an outift. I grabbed my keys and ran out the door.

Chapter 2- we arrived at buzzfeed studios. I picked up Akiko and carried her in.

"Daddy when can I see Wesley again?" She asks me with those big black eyes. Well you have to ask Uncle Ned and Aunt Ariel.

" uncle Ned! Can I come visit wess again?!"

"Sure princess, as long as its okay with daddy!" Ned replies. I set her down and she held my hand. " where are we going daddy!?" She asks with excitement. Uh... I whispered to Keith. Are we filming that perverted halloween costume video today? I don't want Akiko seeing that?

"yeah...but Zach isn't joining us, maybe she can stay with him." He whispers back. Maybe you can stay with uncle Zach for the day. Will you watch her?

" Id love to! Don't worry Akiko, we're going to have lots of fun!" He says picking her up.

"I wuv you uncle Zach" She shouts happily wrapping her arms around him. "God I love her!"he says turning and walking away. Bye baby! " Bye daddy!" She replies back.

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