chapter 3

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"Daddy!" Akiko says running towards me. Her little legs wobbled as she ran to me. I kneeled down, and she wrapped her little arms around my neck. How was she?

"She was an angel!" Zach says handing me her backpack.

"You know I'm still shocked that you take care of Akiko the way you do." Zach says while cleaning up his stuff. What do you mean? "Well you always used to say that you preferred dogs over babies.... or anything over babies." I used to feel that way but now... I can't picture my life without her.

"I'm ready daddy!" She says running back to me. I grabbed her hand and we walked out.

"Do You guys wanna come over and hang out?" Keith asks.

"Sounds great!" Zach and Ned reply. Yeah...but what about Akiko?"

"She can come too." Keith says. We all got in our separate cars and drove to his house.

                   ~~time skip~~

Once we arrived I picked up Akiko who was now asleep and carried her inside. Where do I put her?

"You can set her in my bed until you guys leave. "Keith explains. Excellent! I ran her upstairs and tucked her in his bed.

After two hours of drinking and talking I decided to leave before I got to drunk. I walked up the stairs to get Akiko.

I creaked the door open and whispered Akiko...babygirl... Its time to go.


I opened the door the rest of the way to reveal Keith's empty bed. Akiko?! I started to panic. AKIKO!? I searched every inch of his bedroom until I got to the bathroom. I stared in horror as I noticed the window was open and there were muddy Footprints leading around the bathroom. Oh my Fucking God! No!

               ~~~3 weeks later~~~
"It's been three weeks since five year old Akiko yang daughter of YouTube star ' Eugene Lee Yang' disappeared from a co-workers house in the middle of the night police have no leads." The news woman says.

I turned off the tv and popped open another can of beer. I scarfed it down and sat there thinking. I could still hear her laugh.

"Hahah! Daddy come play with me!"

My thoughts were interuppted by a loud knock on the door. I jumped up. Akiko!?

"Its us!" Ned yelled through the door.

I sat down disappointingly. Come in! In walked Ned, Zach, and Keith.

"Hey Eugene... How are you doing?" Zach asks walking towards me.

"Eugene this is hard for us so we can only imagine how you feel." Keith sits next to me pushing beer bottles out of his way. I held a pillow close to my stomach, I found myself pretending it was Akiko.

"Eugene it's been three weeks and we still haven't seen you cry, it's not good for you to hold your feelings inside." Ned says to me.

I.. I can't.... I must me strong...For Akiko I glanced at the clock, it read 9:39 A.M.

" Ned and I have to go.. We have plans with Ariel and Becky....." Keith says.

It's fine go ahead. They walked out and shut the door. But Zach still resided right next to me. Zach tried everything to cheer me up and reassure me that we were going to find her. He said things like

"We have a really good police department."


"they'll bring her home."

But it was no use."Eugene stop!" He says grabbing a beer can out of my hand.

I burst out crying. I can't..... MY BABY IS GONE!!! I stood and fell to my knees. I buried my face in my hands and cried. Zach stood and wrapped his arms around me. Normally I would have pulled away but I actually needed it.

Adopted By Eugene! Try Guys Fan FicWhere stories live. Discover now