chapter 6

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I unlocked my door and Akiko ran in singing. I ran and picked her up. OOHHHH!!!  You've had to much Icecream today missy!! I say while tickling her.

"Stop it daddy!" She says laughing.

I set her down. Come on princess its time for bed. I dressed her in her favorite pink sleeping beauty pajamas and tucked her in bed. I kissed her cheek.

Goodnight Akiko.

I headed for the door when she stopped me.

"Wait! I made you this daddy!!" Her little arms reached behind her pillow and pulled out a handmade macaroni necklace.

"I made it so you have something pretty to wear." My heart melted and tears rolled down my face.

"Are you sad daddy?" She asks placing her little hand on my shoulder.

No baby.... I just love your necklace.

Now get some sleep. I lowered her head back down to her pillow and walked out. I layed in bed staring at the ceiling, I tried to fall asleep but I knew that I wasn't going to get any. I climbed out of bed and walked to the living room. Peering in Akiko's room as I walked by. She layed asleep peacefully, clutching buggy tightly in her little arms. I found myself smiling. I sat on the couch and started watching TV. Slowly sipping wine as I did. I looked around my living room briefly for no particular reason. I stopped at picture of Akiko. It had her name and a picture of her when she was a one year old.

I started remembering why I named her Akiko

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I started remembering why I named her Akiko.

Akiko meaning 'bright or sparkle.'

My useless thinking was interrupted by a little voice calling out from the edge of the living room. 

"Daddy?" Akiko says while rubbing her eyes.

Yes princess? She walked over to me and I sat her on my knees.

"Am I going away?" She asks me sadly.

No. No, honey why would you think that? "Uncle Ned said I'm going to live with someone named Michelle." A single tear fell down her face. Fucking Ned!  I muttered to myself. No baby, your going to stay with daddy.

"Good...... Can you sing?" She asks me.

I didn't really want to, but then my mind remembered something. A memory, from when I was a child. My mother sang a song to me whenever I was sick. She laid her head on my chest and buried her face in my neck all the while still sitting on my knees. I began to sing.

Deep in the meadow, under the willow.
A bed of grass, a soft green pillow. Lay down your head and close your eyes,

and when they open the sun will rise. Here it's safe ,here it's warm. Here the daisies guard you from every harm.

Here your dreams are sweet and tomorrow brings them true here is the place where I love you.

I looked down at my sleeping princess. Soft little snores erupted from her tiny mouth.

I gently picked her up and carried her to her room. I love you. I whispered while closing the door begind me. I walked back to my room and layed down. My eyelids instantly felt heavy. At last, sweet blissful.....sleep.

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