chapter 7

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Saturday 9th, I dreaded waking up. I glanced at the clock 7:30 a.m.

Akiko has to be at Michelle's by 8:00. I threw the covers off of me and went to wake her up. I got her up and led her to the bathroom. I ran her bath water, and placed her in the tub.

"Rinsing." She says as she plugs her nose.

Rinsing. I held her head under and and scrubbed the shampoo out of her hair. Once she was showered, dressed, and fed we started to head out the door.

"Where are we going daddy?" She says while playing with buggy.

Uh...  I struggled to find words. Uh... Michelle's.

She didn't answer.

Okay well we're here. I grabbed her hand and carried her bag as we walked up to her apartment. It was in the ghetto.... Deep in the ghetto. The door didn't even have a a knob or a lock. I knocked on the door and two monstrous sounding dogs barked there heads off.

"AHHHHH!!!" Akiko screamed and turned her head away from the door.

After two minutes the door swung open and Michelle appeared. "There's my daughter, how have you been Akika?" She says.

Her names Akiko. I say sternly.

"Same thing." She says stepping closer.

She bent over to Akiko and a strong sickly smell of alcohol made up her breath. She grabbed Akikos bag but I instantly tore it back. Have you been drinking!?

"I just had glass." She responds back.

Your drinking at eight in the morning. I'm not leaving my daughter with you when your drunk!

"You mean our daughter." She says.

No! My daughter! I didn't learn how not to curse for you, I didn't stop partying for you, I didn't learn how to pee sitting down so I wouldn't wake you up!

"Daddy?" She says scared.

Fu...frik. I stopped myself for cursing. Its okay baby.

"I want go home!" She says crying.

Hearing her say those words broke my heart. I tried to speak but kept stuttering. I...uh... You can't baby... You have to stay with Michelle for a while. "No! Daddy don't leave! She screams while latching her arms on to my waist.

A tear rolled down my face. I'll be back soon Akiko! I say trying to calm her down.

"No...ah.. I... Ehh." She lets out.

NO!! It's happening again!!

"Whats happening!?" Michelle shouts at me.

She's having a panic attack! " She gets panic attacks?"

YES! I picked her up and layed her across the backseat. I raced down the street towards the hospital. "Cah!" She kept coughing. Its okay!! Baby we'll be there soon!! I pulled up to the hospital and honked like a maniac until some nurses ran out.

              ~~~~time skip~~~~

I stared in the window of her hospital room, watching Zach, Ned, and Keith talk and play with her. So I'm guessing you want me to bring her back tomorrow? I say to Michelle.

"No.... Eugene, it's obvious that you're more responsible to take care of Akiko." She says.

I stared at her in disbelief.

"Hell! I didn't even know her name before this morning.  It was wrong of me to try to take Akiko away from you. That night in the coat room we were both drunk. We didn't know what we were doing. I wasn't ready then, and I'm not ready now. Akiko needs to stay with you."

I hugged her. Thank you. much.

       ~~~~ Ten years later~~~~
"Dad! Have you seen my backpack?" She shouts while frantically putting on her jacket. In the kitchen!

The bus is here! "Oh remember Tracy's taking me to the mall after school."

Okay but be careful and text me! "Love you dad!" She shouts while opening the door. I love you too!

-The End.

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