chapter 4

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I woke up and threw on the same outfit I had been wearing for the past four days and walked to the kitchen to finish off a half empty beer can I had left there the following night.


the buzzer went off letting me know I had package coming up. I opened the door and the man handed me a box. I sat on the couch and ripped it open. There was a single piece of paper and a stuffed bunny. I read the note.

Dear Eugene Lee Yang, My name is Daniel I am a big fan of you and the try guys. Lets cut to the chase I want to marry you. But I'm guessing you'll say no..but before you decide to throw this note away why don't you look at the item in the box.

I set the paper aside and picked up the toy. Oh my god!! I instantly recognized it, BUGGY! Akiko's toy. I read the rest of the note.

Meet me at 698 rupen street tonight at 12:A.M if you bring any cops Ill blow her brains out.

I called the guys over and explained everything. What do we do?

"We should call the cops!" Ned says.

NO!! You read the note, he'll kill her. " I got it I know what to do!" Keith says jumping up.


"you simply pretend you want to marry him until you get Akiko back."

The minute it was 12AM I ran out of my house, eagerly walking towards the address. After about five minutes I arrived. The area was in an alleyway in the back of a convenience store.

I'm Here! I shouted.

I glanced down the alleyway until a Shadow stepped out. I walked out and saw him. Wheres Akiko!?

"right there." he says pointing to a bag laying against the wall.

Oh MY GOD!! I started running towards Akiko but was stopped my him sticking out his gun. Um. I. Uh.I love you!! Your stubbornness has made me feel sexy and desirable. Let's get married!

" I knew you would!" The man says reaching out and hugging me.

I noticed Keith's head peek out from the corner of the alleyway. I moved my hands to his shoulder and held down on the pressure point until he passed out. I ran over and unzipped the bag. AKIKO! I tore the tape off of her mouth and picked her up.

"Daddy!" She said crying.

"He hurt me daddy!" She says sobbing.

I cradled her in my arms as Keith ran over to me. Daddy has to go for a second baby.

"No!! No! Daddy!!" She shouts.

No! No! Baby its okau, uncle Keith is going to stay with you!! I called the police and had him arrested. As soon as they were gone we raced Akiko to the hospital.

~~2 hours later~~

We all stood outside her room while the docter examined her. I hope she's going to be okay.

" We all do!" Zach shouts while pacing the floor.

The door opened and the docter walked out.
How is she?!
Is she gonna be okay?!

"She'll be fine but we did multiple tests and we found rope burns around her wrists and ankles where she was tied up, other than that dehydration,malnourishment and, just a few bumps and bruises." The doctor says.

We walked in the room and her sad eyes immediately lit up.


I walked over to her and grabbed her little hand.

"We have to get going..." Zach says.

Go ahead, just come over tomorrow! "Bye princess!" They all said while blowing kisses and walking out. They closed the door and left. I climbed in the hospital bed with her and stroked her hair.

" Daddy... Will you sing me a song?" She asks in a soft sickly voice.

I really didn't want to, but there was no way I was going to say no to her. Okay.. I began singing. I didn't really know what... But my mind wrote the song. "ooh love"
No one's ever gonna hurt you, love
I'm gonna give you all of my love
Nobody matters like you
"your life ain't gonna be nothing like my life
You're gonna grow and have a good life
I'm gonna do what I've got to do.

The next day-

Since we've been home Akiko hasn't left my side. She clings to me everywhere we go.

Finally she's alseep. I say tucking her in a blanket on the couch. I had spent the day trying to distract her. I heard a knock on the door and turned down the cartoon that was playing. I opened it and in walked Keith.

"She asleep?" He whispers.

Yeah on the couch. I'll only be gone for a few hours. When she wakes up keep her distracted until I get back. Theres a baggie full of grapes and cheese its. Feed only half to her. "okay, I got it!" He whispers. I walked over and kissed her forehead. My phone rang and an unidentified number flashed across my screen. I answered it and held to my ear nervously. Hello?

"Eugene lee yang, I'm calling from the city high Court. This call is in regards to your daughter Akiko yang. Michelle Taryn her mother has been released from prison and wants to take you to court for custody of Akiko. There's a court date if you don't show up custody is immediately given to Michelle. Please appear at the main courthouse on July 14th 2019."


"Whoa! Eugene whats wrong?!" Keith asks me. Michelle! She's taking me to court for custody of Akiko. I can't lose her!!

" Eugene relax! She left Akiko on your door step when she was just an infant. No judge in the right mind would give her custody.

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