Quirks and Plans!

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To say that putting me and Amajiki on a team together was a bad Idea is an understatement.

It was possibly the worst thing imaginable.

This is the time that all of the people in class 1-A get to assess one another's abilities. Having the two shyest people in the class teamed up together was probably not going to make a very good impression. 

I mean, we have all gotten glimpses of some of our classmate's quirks, but definitely not enough to make a reasonable guess to what exactly they are or what they can do. I don't even know what Amajiki or Togata's quirks are, and now I'm going to make a complete fool of myself in front of the people who are my classmates for the next few years!

I should probably find out all Amajiki can do with his quirk. I think, rubbing my chin out of nervousness. 

"H-hey Amajiki," I start, looking over to where he's standing, "w-what is your quirk? I never got to ask you what it is before."

Hearing my voice he jumps slightly, "O-oh right. Uhm m-my quirk is called Manifest. I-it allows me to manifest the characteristics o-of the things I eat while i-it's still in my system." He explains quietly. "A-although I can only do o-one or two at a time. I-I've been working on doing more, b-but it hasn't gone so well y-yet." The tips of his ears turn red.

"O-oh, really?" I blink curiously, "That's actually pretty c-cool Amajiki! What have you all eaten today that c-could be of use?"

He flushed a bit more hearing my compliment, "U-um, well, I had s-some Takoyaki and some clam this m-morning, t-the takoyaki allows me t-to produce tentacles and the clam, well, the c-clam makes my hands look and work l-like clams." He explains, "They work a-as good shields. The tentacles from the takoyaki are a b-better offensive tool at the moment." 

I smile a bit, "T-that's great! I think that y-your quirk will work pretty well with mine."

"Y-you do?!" He says looking a bit shocked.

"Y-yeah! I mean, well, all my quirk is, is the ability to turn into a d-dragon that has a few specific abilities b-based on the element it is. Quite a few of t-them are pretty big, so I don't know how useful they are going to be with this c-challenge since we don't really want too much a-attention drawn to us."

He thinks about it for a bit before he comes up with an idea, "W-what if you turn into a s-smaller or medium-sized dragon and tie the flag around your neck. If you do t-that then you could possibly carry me a-around and avoid people while also n-not being too noticeable."

"Yeah!" I agree happily, "If I'm carrying you around I can k-keep a lookout and you can use y-your tentacles to defend us if anyone g-gets too close! That's a g-great plan Amajiki!"

He covers his mouth with his hand and looks away, "R-really? Because if you have any other i-ideas that could w-work we should p-probably use those because I-I don't really think that it was t-that gr-"

"Nonsense Amajiki! It really is a g-good plan! I believe t-the two of us can p-pull it off."

He looks at me again, "Really?" he asks quietly.

I nod "Of c-course. Now lets g-go win this thing!"

Quirk: Dragon (Tamaki Amajiki X Reader) DiscontinuedWhere stories live. Discover now