WOD Interview

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Briar's POV:
Today the WOD filming crew asked me if they could film an interview of me because all the finalists are doing one as well. To be honest I'm nervous because I'm supposed to talk about my epilepsy. I've never talked about it before, I mean my family and friends are the only ones who know. It's going to be hard, but I think that my fans deserve to know, because they really are the best fans in the whole entire world and I want them to know the real me, not the one who's a professional dancer on a TV show and has 'the perfect life' that everyone assumes. "Good morning B, are you nervous?" Myles asks me and kisses me on the forehead. "Yeah, but it's going to be ok I guess, are you coming?" I ask him. "Of course, I wouldn't leave you alone. And I'm very proud of you. I know it's really hard for you to talk about it but remember that you have people who care about you and wouldn't judge you for it. Epilepsy doesn't define you, you define yourself, and you're doing a great job." Aww he's so sweet, he always knows how to cheer me up. "Thank you Mylo, I love you. So what do you want for breakfast? Eggs? Waffles? Pancakes?" I ask. "How about everything?" He says and I laugh. "Sounds good." I make the waffles and the pancakes and Myles is making the eggs. When we finally finish making the food we sit down and eat. "Wow Bri your waffles are really good!" Myles says with a full mouth. "Thanks M, your eggs are pretty good too." "What do you mean pretty good? My eggs are excellent." "Well... mine are better." I say. "You wish." He replies. We finish our food and I get up to wash the dishes. But Myles stops me. "Aren't you forgetting something?" He asks. "No.." I know exactly what he's talking about. "You should take your pills B. I'm not taking you to the hospital again." He says. "FINE." I say.
The worst part about my epilepsy is the pills. I hate them. They're so hard to swallow and I need to take them twice a day. Ugh. Well I guess I should take them, I don't want to have seizures again. Especially now. I take the pills from the shelf and swallow them one by one. Ew I hate their taste. "Good job Babe, take your vitamins as well." Myles says. Well at least the vitamins are chewable. I love Myles for caring about me so much but sometimes I feel like he's acting a bit like my mom. Well you can't blame him, I would've done the same for him.
I remember the day when he saw me having a seizure. He was so scared and worried, I felt really bad for him because he didn't know what to do. I've had the seizure for 10 minutes and I could've died. From this moment on Myles became super protective over me. Whether it's about the epilepsy or not, he always makes sure that he knows what I'm doing most of the time. Sometimes it's quite annoying but then I remember that he only does it because he doesn't want to loose me. I look at my phone and see that I have to go to the filming studio. "M, I need to go, you coming?" I ask him. "Yeah, let's go." It takes us about 30 minutes to get there and as soon as I walk through the main door I get taken to hair and makeup. When I'm finally ready they take me to the 'interview chair' and I sit on it. "Ok Briar, we are going to ask you a couple of questions and we will film your answers. Are you ready?" The interviewer asks. "Yes I'm ready." I reply. "Ok so Briar, could you please tell us your name, age and where are you from?" "I'm Briar Nolet, I'm 19 years old and I'm from Toronto, Canada." The interviewer asks me a few more questions until... "So Briar how did you find out about your epilepsy?" I tense up. This is it, I'm going to tell hundreds of people all around the world about my epilepsy. Before answering I search for Myles and when I finally find him I see that he's holding his thumbs up. I smile. "When I was 16 life was just so amazing. I had the love of my life..." I look over to Myles and he smiles. "My years of competitive dance training were finally paying off. And in a matter of seconds my whole life just stopped. I was at the dance studio and my right hand started shaking. And then I unconsciously fell to the floor. I had a very severe seizure, and I almost died because I lost oxygen to my brain. I kept having seizures every time I danced. You know, I'm so close to my mom and it was devastating to watch her stay up all night to make sure that I was breathing every night. Something about dance triggered my seizures, but I didn't want to just stop going to the dance studio because I have a chance of having a seizure. I rather face my fear and go for it than stop dancing. A year ago I was diagnosed with genetic epilepsy. It's something I can work through now and the first thing I thought of was World Of Dance. I'm here with everyone else to win the competition, but I feel that I'm also here to push through my fears and to overcome the three years epilepsy took away from me." I finish and look over to Myles again. When our eyes lock we both start crying. "Well thank you Briar, that's enough for today. You're free to go." The interviewer says. "Thank you." I say back. I run to Myles and hug him tightly. "I'm so proud of you B, you're the bravest person I know." "Thank you Mylo, can we go home now?" "Sure we can." And we drive back home.

Hi guys! I'm finally back! The reason that it took me so long to update is because I felt like I had to add this chapter. I was really inspired by Briar's interview and I knew that I had to write something about it. So here you go. It took me a long time to write this chapter because I didn't really know what to write so sorry if it's all over the place. Hope to update soon. Xx

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