Auditions are starting now

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Los Angeles California- NBC World Of Dance studios

Briar's POV:
This is it. I'm going to do this. I have to give it my all, I worked so hard and I'm not going to throw that all away.
Even if Myles isn't here.
I don't understand, he promised he'll be here for me! I tried to call him about a thousand times but he wouldn't answer. Guess he's stuck in his damn recording studio again.
Why couldn't he be here with me? Why do I have to dance alone? I can't do this alone, by myself. Well, I guess I have no choice.
"Miss Briar Nolet?" Someone says. I quickly get up and answer. "Yes?" "It's your turn. Good luck."
I'm so nervous. As I'm walking to the stage I feel like I'm about to faint. It's too much. GET YOURSELF TOGETHER BRIAR! YOU CAN DO THIS!
I make eye contact with the judges and the music starts. It feels so good dancing on this stage after so long! I'm doing all of my best tricks and the crowd goes wild. I also can see that the judges are quite pleased with my performance. I look through the crowd and I see him. My amazing boyfriend cheering me on. How could I be so stupid?! Of course he's here. I finish the dance and walk to the end of the stage to hear the judges. "Wow! Briar I'm completely shocked! I've never seen someone do those tricks in such power and elegance at the same time!" Derek Hough says. "Thank you so much!" I reply. "Let's find out what your scores are." I wait nervously for my scores. The first one is 94! Wow, I didn't expect to such a high score. The second one is 90! And the third and the last one is a 92!! Which means I'm in!!! I can't believe it! I did it!! I'm in the competition! "Congratulations Briar! We will see you in the upcoming episodes!" "Thank you so so much!" I say before running off the stage. I walk to the place where I've put my bag and I get a big hug from Myles! "You were AMAZING lil B!! I'm so proud!! You are going to win this thing!" He's so supportive. I love that about him. "Thank you so much Mylo! I love you! Thanks for coming!" "Wouldn't Miss it in the world. I love you too B." I give him a quick kiss. "We should go and celebrate! How about we go to Jordan and Trevor's place? There's a party there anyway." "Sure! Just let me change and we'll go." We go back to our apartment and change our outfits. I call my family and tell them the good news. They congratulate me, of course, and I tell them how much I miss them and that LA is amazing (though I told them that a million times already, since I call them every day). I say goodbye and text some of my best friends and my old dance teachers.

Myles' POV:
No words can describe how much I'm in awe to her dancing. She nails everything, she works so hard, I'm not surprised. She makes eye contact with me and I have the biggest smile on my face.
We are now headed to Jordan and Trevor's apartment. They have this party for all of their Canadian friends or something like that. The funniest thing about it is that this is an only Canadians party, which means that no Americans are allowed. As we go inside Jordan immediately runs towards Briar and give her the biggest hug I've ever seen lol. "I've missed you two so much!!" She screams as she hugs me as well. "We missed you too!" I say. The party goes great and then I start to speak. "Can I have everyone's attention please?" There's silence. "This young girl over here just went to the World Of Dance auditions today and made it through!" Everybody screams and congratulate Briar. She looks like she's embarrassed. Well I guess she wanted to keep it a secret but hey, At least I don't have to worry about her punching me since she hasn't told me it's a secret. "Myles can we go back to the apartment? I'm tired." "Sure Bri, lets go."
We drive back to the apartment and when we get inside Briar goes straight to our bathroom to take her makeup off and go to sleep. When I'm back from the kitchen (after eating a snack because I was hungry) Briar is already asleep. So I whisper into her ear good night and close my eyes.

Hi guys! So sorry that I haven't been so active. I was thinking if you wanted me to continue this book or to start another one. This one will contain one shots of Bryles and Nochelle. Let me know in the comments.

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