Tordan's Party

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Briar's POV:
Today I have a day off from training and Myles has a day off as well so we are going to a party at Trevor and Jordan's apartment! I haven't seen them both in so long and I can't wait to see them later! Especially Jordan, she's like a big sister to me. Ever since she saw me having a seizure on tour she's been super protective over me. But in a good way. We really have a lot of fun whenever we're together. The party starts at 17:00 and we have a long time before we need to go, so we decided to spend the morning together. We're going to a local cafe for breakfast and then we're going to the beach. It's already 9:00 and I have to wake Myles up. "Mylo.. good morning." ״msffff mfff?" Omg he's so funny and cute. "Mylooo get uppp!! We're gonna be late to breakfast!" No response. Wait I have a better idea. "Myles I'm pregnant."  "what?!" He jumps. "Hahaha I'm joking, well at least now you're up. Get ready we're going to breakfast at 10:00." I say and he groans. "Bri that's not the nicest way to wake someone up." Myles says. "Well I tried to wake you up nicely but you didn't move. Don't worry next time I'll just pour some water on you." I laugh. "You wouldn't dare." He says. "Oh yeah?" I say before running to the kitchen to fill a glass of water. I come back to the bedroom and spill the water all over myles' head. "Oh, you're gonna pay for that!" Myles says before picking me up and throwing me onto the bed. Then he hugs me and now I'm completely wet. "Ughhh Myles!!!" I scream and laugh at the same time. Then he picks me up and kisses me passionately. I'll cut the details but you know what happens next. When we finish doing... you know what, I get up and take a quick shower. I then walk to my closet and pick a dress. It's so hot here in California and I don't want to walk in jeans all day. After I dress up I put some light makeup on and go to the living room to watch some TV while Myles takes a shower. I swear this guy takes forever to get ready. When he's FINALLY ready we go out and lock the apartment. We walk to the cafe and order eggs, avocado toasts, fruit salad and coffee. When the food arrives I stop Myles from digging in and take a picture. "Ugh Briar I'm hungryyy!" Myles says. "Well I have to post it on my story." "Fine so I'm posting a photo of you as well." "No, I look horrible today." I say. "Briar we both know it's impossible for you to look horrible on any day." Myles says and takes a photo of me before I can protest. "Here, you look absolutely gorgeous." He shows me the photo and smiles. "Thank you Mylo, but honestly you look so much better." "Yeah I guess you're right." He says. "What's that supposed to mean? Are you saying that you're better looking than me?" I say a bit loud. "No, but I checked if you just want me to complement you or that you actually think like that. Guess the first assumption was right." He laughs. "Oh, shut up." I say. It takes us about 30 minutes to finish our food and pay. Myles payed, though I insisted to. The beach is really close to the cafe, so Myles and I are walking to there. "Bri I need sunscreen. Can we stop to buy one?" Myles asks. "No need, I already have one." I say. "How are you always prepared? And how can you fit all of your stuff into this tiny bag? Are you Mary Poppins or something?" He asks again. "A girl never shares her secrets. And no, I'm not Mary Poppins." I say and smile. The rest of the talk goes on like that. Myles asking me questions and I answer. Man that guy has a lot of questions, it's a good thing that he knows how to chill sometimes, well most of the time. We finally reach the beach after Myles asks his 25th question. I take a towel out of my bag and put it on the sand. "Bri I'm going to the water, wanna come?" Myles asks. "Nah, I think I'm just gonna stay here and tan." I say. "Fine, if you want. But please put sunscreen on, I don't want you to get burned." "Seriously Myles? How am I going to tan with a sunscreen on?" "You'll manage." Ugh, he's such a dad. "Fine. But you need to help me with my back." "Fine, I'll help you." He says and I take my shirt off and hand him the sunscreen. "Damn Bri, you're so hot." He says when he sees my bikini. "I know." I say, and Myles rolls his eyes. He puts the sunscreen on my back and then runs into the sea, leaving me all alone. Today is such a nice day, there are literally no clouds. I lie down on the towel and rest while my skin soaks the sun. After about five minutes I sit up and go through my phone. "Hey beauty, what are you doing here all alone?" A tall boy with brown hair and brown eyes says and sits next to me. Honestly he looks fine but Myles is much better looking. "Waiting for my boyfriend." I say sassily. "Well I don't think he's coming." He says. Ugh this boy really gets on my nerves. "Think again." A wet Myles stands up in front of us. "And you are?" The boy asks. "Her boyfriend, who is about to kick your ass if you don't walk away." Myles says and steps closer. "Oh yeah? I don't think so." "I'm gonna count to three, and if your not gone by then I'll kick your balls and drag you to the sea." "I wanna see you try." The boy says. "One." Myles starts, but the boy doesn't move a muscle. "Two." He continues, the boy is still not moving. "Three. That's it." Myles says and kicks the boy in his- you know and drags him all the way to the sea. When he comes back I'm laughing so hard, I almost forget how to breathe. "Geez Mylo, don't you think that was a little harsh?" I ask. "Hey, I warned him. And also, no one messes with my girl." He says. "Aww you're so sweet." "You wouldn't think like that in a second." "Huh?" And with that said, Myles picks me up and goes straight into the water. "Myloooo I'm gonna kill youuuu!!!!" I scream. Myles just laughs. "Put me down! Now!" I say while punching Myles. "Aren't you having fun Baby Bri?" Myles says while splashing water on me. "Actually it's kinda fun." "Oh yeah? What made you change your mind?" "This." I say before jumping on Myles' back and dropping him to the ground. We keep splashing each other until we can't breathe from laughing so hard. Then we go back to our spot on the beach. After sitting down and relaxing for a bit, we decide to eat lunch and go back to our apartment. So first we go to Taco Bell and eat, and after that we walk back to the apartment. By the time we arrive to our apartment it's already 15:30 which means that we have to get ready for the party. Myles ran to the bathroom before I could resist and now I have to wait for my turn. I decide to watch something on Netflix while Myles is in the shower. You know how important his showers are to him, and he takes forever to come out. I click on Suits, since it's my favorite TV show at the moment. By the time Myles comes out of the shower I finish almost a WHOLE EPISODE. "Mylo maybe next time I'll go first." I say. "Why? It didn't take that long.." he says. "Sure." I say before giving him a chance to defend himself. Unlike Myles, it takes me about 5 minutes to shower. Though putting on makeup is a totally different story. I put on a simple T shirt and A pair of Jeans, and then I start doing my makeup. It takes me 30 minutes to finish my makeup, and then Myles and I leave. Jordan and Trevor's apartment is about a 20 minutes drive from where we live, so I put some music on. Myles isn't enjoying the ride to say the least. He doesn't really like High School Musical and my playlist is mostly songs from the movies. After a long drive of torture as Myles says, we finally arrive to their apartment and by now I'm sooo excited! We ring the door bell and a few seconds later a hyper Jordan opens the door. "Briarrrr!!!!!! I've missed you so much!!" She says and hugs me tightly. "I've missed you too! I'm so glad to finally see you!!" I say. "Myles! It's good to see you as well!" Jordan says and hugs Myles. "It's good to see you too J. Where's your crazy boyfriend?" Myles asks. "He's here don't worry, probably eating in the kitchen, as usual." Jordan says. "Haha, of course he is." I say. We walk to the kitchen and then Trevor screams. "Myles! My bro! Bri! It's so good to see you!!" "Good to see you too dude." Myles and I both say. The rest of the party goes pretty smooth. I had a long talk with Jordan about the WOD final, and she offered to help me choreograph one of my dances. Since the other dance is already done. Myles went to a group of Trevor's friends, which are pretty tipsy. Suddenly one of Trevor's friends starts singing our National Anthem, as in the Canadian national anthem. And we all slowly start joining. It's so fun to see fellow Canadians here, it makes me feel at home. At about 22:00 Myles and I decide to leave, and we say goodbye to everyone. I'm driving home because Myles drank a bit and I'm not comfortable with him driving. When we get home Myles is so tired, he pretty much passes out on the couch. I figured he's not going to the bedroom so I put a blanket on him. I kiss him on his forehead before saying "goodnight Mylo. I love you so so much." and going to our bathroom to get ready for bed.

Hi guys!!! I'm backkk! Just realized that this chapter is so cringey and it doesn't have Myles' POV. AGAIN. Well, hope you still liked it! There are only a few chapters left before the final one so stay tuned ;)

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⏰ Last updated: May 01, 2019 ⏰

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