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the curse called love

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the curse called love


LILIAN WAS JUST PACKING HER BAG, WHEN HUNTER CAME WALKING INTO THE ROOM. The blonde looked at her dog sadly, wondering if she should take him. She'd certainly be able to carry him, but for his food, she'd have to – wait a second, she could hunt. Lilian could catch a rabbit after she'd fed on a deer or something herself. She could roast it by a fire and give it to Hunter.

"Are you coming with me, my friend?" Lilian asked the dog, who took a few steps closer, before licking her nose with his tongue.

"Gross, Hunt," Lilian laughed, petting the animal carefully.

A few minutes after, the blonde had put all the necessities inside a backpack, including a newly bought journal, a few pens and Hunter's leash. She also put her SIM-card inside, together with a USB-stick, her passport and a few rolls of money.

Lilian sat down at her desk, taking out a piece of paper... she had to give her family something.

Dear Collin, Mom, Dad...

I don't know what I am, I have no idea how I am supposed to deal with this 'change'. The people I thought I could relent on, are gone. The guy I thought would support me through this and help me, is gone. Sheesh, I didn't even graduate High School.

It's for all these problems and unanswered questions, that I've decided to travel the world. Alone. Don't try to find me, I'm Lilian Harper, that won't work. I have your phone numbers, so if something is wrong, I won't hesitate to text or call you right away.

I love you guys, and you mean the world to me, so be careful, alright?

- Lilian.

As she finished the letter, Lilian made her bed, and tidied her bedroom, before putting the letter on her pillow. She scooped Hunter up in her arms and jumped out of her window, running in a random direction, not looking back.

Collin sprinted upstairs, as his mother and his father had called Lilian for dinner multiple times, but his sister hadn't answered.

Lilian had been home for three days, and she hadn't talked much since. The fact that the Cullens had left town, hit her harder than Collin had expected.

Surely, Collin had shed tears over Alice, but she promised him that she'd return with at least the holidays... and Collin hadn't yet told Lilian that she indeed had. Over Christmas, Alice had stopped by shortly, with Jasper. They'd visited the hospital together, and then, the honey blonde vampire had returned to Alaska, where Carlisle, Esme, Alice and Jasper were staying for now.

Alice had said that Edward would rip her head off if Bella knew that they were still visiting town, so she made Collin swear he wouldn't tell her, and so he didn't.

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