Chapter Three

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Jake POV

I woke up as happy as I could be I have a idea for today with Erika I want to make a move but im scared of what will happen what if she doesn't like me back. I need to stop before I stress out my self but I am pulling into my normal parking spot since yesterday and I see Erika's Jeep sitting there I look at were I scratched it and nothing she got it fixed I am glad I gave her eoungh. I got out of my Tesla and I start walking to my class. I walked in and I see sunny and Mackenzie hugging Erika I thought it was a normal thing they do until they pulled away and Erika was crying, I started to worry. I have to figure out what is wrong or at least make her feel better, I called sunny down to my desk

Sunny- Yes Mr. Paul

Jake- Can you pass out people's notebook and give this to Ms. Costell

I hand her a envelope that had a letter in there

Sunny- Yes sir

She walks off and starts handing out the notebooks she gets done and walks to her desk she hands Erika the note, Erika had a confused look on her face then she opened it

Erika POV

I was so confused who would give me a note like no one cares about me eoungh to give me a note, I look at Mr. Paul he is looking down at his desk he had a frown on his face looking at is phone, I wonder what he was looking at, I started to read the note

To the most beautiful girl In the world, I don't like seeing tears in those beautiful green eyes. No matter what your going through I will help you thorough it all, you are the most charming person I've ever been around you make my day with your smile, meet me after class, Jake ❤

I smiled the biggest I have ever smiled he noticed that I wasn't okay and he took his time to make me feel better, I look at him but this time he isn't looking at his phone his looking at me, I smile and he flashes the biggest smile ever then he stands up and closes the door

Jake- Ok so I want you to take out your notebooks and write about the worst thing someone has ever said to you, it could be they called you something, or told you that you was a disgrace tó the famliy

Jakes voice cracked when he said that there is no way someone could say that to the most charming and talented person in the world

Jake- you may start

Jake walks back to his desk and looks at his phone is frowns I all ready know what I'm going to say... The bell rings every gets up and leaves I tell the girls to go to the next class without me. Everyone was out of the classroom and I walked up to him

Jake- what is happened

Erika- my s-

I couldn't even get through the sentence before I burst out cry Jake ran to me and hugged me I felt safe in his arms like no one else I felt safe

Jake- take your time

Erika- my sister dani has c-cancer and my mom is blaming me for it she kicked me out of my apartment and gave it to one of my cousins

I started to sob

Jake- shh it's ok

Erika- I have no where to live

Jake- You could stay with me I have the room

Erika- Jake I can't let you do that

Jake- but I want to help you b-erika

Erika- fine but why was you frowning at your phone

Jake- nothing it was just my dad

Erika- no son frowns that much when he talks to his dad

Jake- he thinks I should have worked for the family business but I want to teach

Erika- I am glad you chose teaching

Jake- * laughs* so am I

Erika- I have to get to class

Jake- ok meet me in here after classes are over and I will show you were I Live

Erika- Ok bye jake

I let go of Jake and grab my book bag and I walk out the door and did anyone else hear him almost say babe or is it just my imagination, anyway time for my modeling class. I walk in and that guy that has been staring at me since the first day Blake he is really like a stocker but anyway I sit down and he puts his hand on my thigh and I push it off and raise my hand

Mrs. Hill- yes Erika

Erika- I am sorry to interrupt but can I move seats

Mrs. Hill- sure you can switch seats with mason

Erika- thank you ma'em

Mrs. Hill- your welcome darling

I switch seats and Blake was staring at me the whole class, he stared at me for the rest of the day as well, when the final bell rung I stood up and walked out of the class, Blake was following me, I ran as fast as I could to Jake

Jake POV

I was sitting in my room waiting for Erika when she ran through the door and tried to close it but someone stop her I got up and ran to her, I looked out and saw Blake he stop when he saw me

Jake- excuse me but I think you need to leave Ms. Costell alone

Blake- I am sorry Mr. Paul

Jake- ok make your way home

Blake- sorry bye Mr. Paul

Blake walkes away and Erika hugged me like her life depended on it of course I hugged back she spoke with her words muffled

Erika- thank you Jake

Jake- I would do anything to protect you

Erika looked at me and are eyes locked I leaned in and see leaned in and boom are lips connected It was like a weight was lifted off my chest when we pulled away she hugged me tighter

Jake- you want to go to our house

Erika- your house

Jake- ours for now

She smiled and it lit up my whole world

*At Jake's house*

Erika POV

We KISSED and it felt like sparks went off and the world had been turned up side down by the time me and Jake got to our house it was dark, he helped me get my suitcases from my jeep he walked in the guest room and sat my stuff down

Jake- you can take a shower now and I will see you tomorrow

He kissed my cheek and left, ugh he is perfect, I took a shower and then layed in the bed and I looked at the window and saw blake trying to open it I got up and ran across the hall, Jake was in the bed he saw me and shot right up

Jake- what's wrong

Erika- blake is trying to get in my room trough the window

Jake grab his phone and called the police, soon I heard sirens and it brought back to many memories and a panic attack start

Jake POV

I look over and see Erika breathing hard, she is having a panic attack I ran to her and pulled her to the bed I layed her on my chest she shoved her head in the crook of my neck and listened to my heartbeat she soon started to calm down, then I heard light snores coming from her I smiled and soon fell alseep

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