Chapter 1- Fixed

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(So a lot of readers on Wattpad tend to dislike the use of Y/n so I'll be using Sally as a name as I tend to use it quite a lot for other things.)

(These chapters are being fixed including spelling errors, plot holes and hopefully less cringe, the newest updated chapters will be labelled as 'fixed')

——— (<— these represent time skips)

"Sally!" My older brother Nathan intruded on my sleep "Wake up! You have to go to college"

"Can I just... Not?" I mumbled turning over on my side to face my back to him.

"No, even if it is your birthday"

"What? So eighteen is a big number to celebrate but nineteen isn't?" I yell sitting up, I grab the blanket and flop back onto the bed pulling them over me.

"Well if you didn't want to spend your 19th in college then you shouldn't have been held back a year in school!" He teased.

"God you're so immature!" I throw one of my pillows towards him.

"Besides you've just got to make it to July and then you can take a well earned break" he threw the pillow back at me.

"Oh- July!" I groan falling backwards onto my mattress. "Why are you even here anyway?"

"What? Can't I come visit my own sister for her birthday?" He asked pretending to be offended

"Not if you're just going to give lectures.
Oh- how is your apartment going by the way?" I sit up to face him better "It looked rough when we first saw it a few months ago"

"It's okay, just needs a few more touch ups but it's nothing I can't fix" he boasts.

"how can someone as immature as you have such a serious job as a detective?"

"I'm incredibly smart." He smirks folding his arms. "And everyone down at the station loves me"

"Yeah I bet, now get out" I tell him, a small smile still lingering.

Without saying anything else he left.

Until he peered around the corner.

"And I better not be catching you with other people's money" he warns in a whisper

"Where would you even get that impression of me?" It was my turn to act hurt as I place my hand over my heart with sarcasm.

"Ive literally had you detained before. Besides just because I don't live here anymore doesn't mean I still won't catch you." He gave a smug grin and I instinctively rolled my eyes.

"Alright I won't" I tell him walking to my door "now leave"

I shut the door as he made his way downstairs.

I brushed my hair neat after applying some dry shampoo and I got changed into the right clothes to get me through the chilly air.

I went downstairs, the smell of sizzling bacon and eggs filled the air. I enter the kitchen to see my grandma cooking breakfast.
"Hey Nan" I greet her

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