Chapter 2- Fixed

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'The white hood...the man-'


I open my eyes to the gentle voices calling my name. I look up squinting to see my grandparents standing beside me.

"Where am I?" I ask confused

"You're in the hospital sweetie. You collapsed in the street, are you okay?" My Nan asked worriedly.

"Im glad my princess is awake, thank the stars Liu found you when he did"

"What? Liu?"

"Yeah- It was your friend Liu" My Nan informed with a gentle smile "a few minutes before Nathan got there Liu found you unconscious and it started to snow"

'Wait, Liu saved me?' I thought to myself confused 'and I was found by myself? What about those two they not know? Does Liu even know?'

"Yeah" My grandfather spoke up "I've decided he's the only boy I'll accept being around you"
I couldn't help but slightly smile at his protectiveness

'Something doesn't sit right with me...was it really Liu?'   

"Wheres Nathan?" I ask feeling down that he wasn't here.

"He will be on his way to fetch us soon and I haven't heard anything from Liu since he brought you back. How about when we get home we find something to do for your birthday?"

"I'm sorry I don't really feel like it" I tell her truthfully, I just wanted to rest.

"Okay, we'll get you released soon honey" My nan assured me after seeing my state.


Once I got out of the hospital we waited for Nathan to pick us up. Unfortunately he couldn't stay and would have to resume his shift after, he spent the whole car ride apologising and that he'd make it up to me, I didn't blame him for anything, life keeps people busy.
My Nan made me as comfortable as possible before I managed to get some rest.


Days passed and it was now Friday and I decided to go into college, I couldn't just abandon the group I was assigned with, especially since the project is due today.

"Hey Liu." I approached him and something seemed odd about him, he had a natural frown on his face as he was in his own thoughts rooting through his locker.

"Hey Sally how are you feeling?" He asked concerned turning to me.

"I could've told you yesterday if you had answered my texts" I frown

"look- I'm sorry I had a lot of things to deal with I feel terrible that I couldn't come see you"  he admitted

"No it's okay it isn't so bad, you helped me that was more than enough"
'It feels so odd to say that... whoever was there, it wasn't Liu.

"Did you...see someone else there? When you found me?" I ask him hesitantly.

He stood closer beside me and lowered his voice.
"Yeah I know the asshole that attacked you, I just thought I wouldn't tell your family about that part because-"

"Because what?" I ask after he cut himself off

"It doesn't matter, anyway-" he held his bag in front of him with a smirk as he zipped it open to reveal some alcohol inside. "We still haven't celebrated"

"Holy shit!" I couldn't help but smile as I look at the labels.

"Just let me know whenever is good for you, I'll be there" he assured.

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