Chapter 3- Fixed

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Once I got home I instantly collapsed on my bed from all the confusing events that have took place over the week.
'Liu is hiding something from that I think about it. I've never been to his house or met his family...and he's friends with the man who gave him scars? It just doesn't make sense...'

"Sally?" There was a small knock at the door causing me to sit up in bed, it was my grandfather
"Would you like anything to eat?" He offered kindly

"No thanks I grabbed something to eat on the way home" I tell him, he gave me a nod and shut the door leaving me alone.

I instantly fall back down onto my pillow, I couldn't help but just take a nap and let all of my troubling thoughts drift away.


"Hm?" I mumble groggily as I felt my phones vibration against the mattress. I look over to the screen squinting to see Liu's name flashing up.
Just as my hand reached over to grab it a sharp metallic blade was immediately placed against my skin.

My eyes shot open as my tiredness instantly vanished and I look up to a woman standing above me.

"Be quiet" the feminine voice hushed "Don't. Answer. The phone." She demanded, she lifted up the knife a few inches off my skin and I pulled my hand back sitting up.
My phone continued to vibrate making the air tense.

She bleached white skin, rough charcoal hair down past her shoulders. But what gave me the chills the most is that she wore a mask covering her face.
"Shhhhh" she raised her finger to where her lips would be, hushing me.

"Now" she began, sitting on the edge of my bed. "I'm sorry for the scare darling" she gestured to her large kitchen knife, her voice was twisted with a sick sense of satisfaction and humour.
"But...I'm not here to hurt you. I'm just here to warn you"

"About what?" I ask trying to hide my confusion.

"The people you're hanging out's not so good for you darling. I am someone who is on your side and trust me you should stay away from them"

"What? Who?" I ask with creased brows as her brandished weapon made me feel on edge.

"You're a good person right? You wouldn't hurt people would you?"

"Only if they try to hurt me first" I tell her more bluntly. I wasn't going to let her think that she had the upper hand of fear on me.

Well she did but I wasn't going to let her see that.

The phone went silent and the screen went dark but it instantly lit up vibrating again.

She gave a satisfied Hmph as she stood up
"Then you can still be helped at least. Word got around that Jeff saved you right? I mean- did that actually happen?"

"Listen, I don't know who 'Jeff' is but the only person I even talk outside of my family is one friend"

"Pity, and I assume that one friend is...Liu... right?" She teased making my eyes widen.
'she knows him?'

"So you know Liu...but not his brother?"

"Brother?" I ask her surprised, I felt somewhat betrayed "Liu has a brother?"

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