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Ben always thought he had his life planned out. He knew he wanted to act, to be up on the big screen, or even the small screen or stage. It never mattered to him. So long as he was out there, with his name up in lights, he was content.

Many things had changed in the past few years. Gone was the young man trying his best to get his name out there, trying and failing to book any audition he could get. Even if he got an audition getting a call back was even less likely. But that was before.

Now his name was known to the whole world. He had a hit show that continued to get renewed for more seasons. A film he had been in was nominated for an Oscar and he did a play on Broadway just for the hell of it. People were saying he'd get nominated for a Tony and even more people were saying he'd win.

It didn't seem real. Even if this had been his goal all along, this is what Ben had worked far, it just seemed too good to be true. Ben continued to go to bed expecting to wake up back in his old childhood home. Back to no call backs or audition offers. Back to being a nobody.

But it never happened. He woke up every morning in a giant bed, in a beautiful home, and a loving husband by his side.

Joe was his number one supporter through it all and Ben was Joe's. Their careers skyrocketed together, with Joe going back and forth between writing and acting and directing. They had only worked together once, but it was an experience neither would ever forget.

Joe had written and directed an extended episode of Ben's show and even had a small part in it. Somehow Ben had persuaded him to take a small role in it so they'd be in a scene together and it was the most fun they've ever had together. The world practically exploded when it was released and now there was the talk of a possible Emmy.

Neither man allowed themselves to dwell on that, however. No, they had bigger things to focus on.

They had been married for three years, living in absolute bliss. Their careers were on the right track and just continued to go up and up and up. They had different homes they'd go to finally found a staple in California. It wasn't a mansion but it was large and it had a back yard with green grass for Frankie to run on.

Life was good but they knew it could be great.

Ben never thought he'd ever become a father. He had babysat his little cousins and such but children just weren't things he really thought of. He guessed if he married a woman and she fell pregnant than they'd deal with it but that wasn't what fate had planned him. He married and man and try as they might, pregnancy just wasn't in the cards for them.

When the conversation came about, it was after Joe's family had come to visit. His nieces and nephews were adorable and the way Joe was around them made Ben's chest hurt. He was like this with all the children that he interacted with. Joe was a natural behind the camera but being around children was like second nature.

Ben was filled with so much love and devotion to this man. He could see it in Joe's eyes. He wasn't just the fun uncle. He wanted to be a father.

He deserved to be a father and Ben would be damned if he stood in the way of that.

The conversation came up smoothly. They were laying in bed, finally alone. Frankie was asleep at the bottom of the bed, curled up with her toys. It was comfortable and casual, just thinking it over. Joe was beaming and Ben was smiling back. The idea alone was enough to make them giddy like teenagers.

"You're serious," Joe mentioned, rolling onto his side so he was facing his husband. "You actually want to do this?"

"I'm in if you're in buddy," Ben told him.

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