One Year of Love

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The first three months were the hardest months Ben had ever lived. Being a parent was nothing like you expect it to be. It's way, way better but also way, way worse. Before, Ben didn't know what to expect. Pick up the child, hold the child, put the child down. Do not ever drop the child. Feed the child, change the child. Keep the child clean.

In his stupid little mind, it seemed so easy.

Now the child is here and there was so much more than he had to focus on. He didn't know what to except. Their little angel was here, as lovely as ever. Emmeline Emmanuelle. Their Emmy. It was a classy name. One they had gone over and over again. Ben couldn't let go of the idea of Joe naming their first born after a bloody award, so they compromised. It would be a nickname; an adorable one at that.

Emmy was a happy baby. There was no way around that, but even the happiest people have to cry, especially the new ones who didn't understand the great big world they were currently living in.

They took turns, he and Joe, on everything. Changing and feeding and bathing. They didn't go back and forth. That was too complicated for hem to deal with that three am. Every other day they'd switch it up. Mondays-Wednesdays-Fridays Ben would feed and change her. Tuesdays-Thursdays-Saturdays were all Joe's. Sundays they did it together.

They took their three months parental leave even if they didn't have any projects that needed them at the moment. They were still high off their Emmy win and while they were happy to do interviews such, those were the only exceptions. Otherwise, they stayed home and focused on the little life they had helped create.

It was terrifying but so, so wonderful. Seeing this gorgeous little face light up whenever they'd come in the room. Ben had seen her smile first and his made his heartache. The only person he ever fell in love with was Joe, but Emmy . . . she was different. Ben didn't know he was capable of feeling so much love for one person until she came into their lives.

She was an absolute delight to have around and Ben was more than content with staying home with her. She didn't do much, obviously. Just sat in his arms or in her pram. She could coo every now and then, but that was normal for an infant her age.

They spent their first Halloween as a family looking absolutely adorable and ridiculous. Joe insisted they dress up as a family. They went back and forth with a few ideas and in the end, went with a handful of them. Emmy was only a month and a half after all, so it wasn't like she could be completely aware of it all.

They had their own little photoshoot. First with Emmy and Frankie dressed as a lion and tiger with Ben and Joe as Zookeepers. After that, she was a sleeping dinosaur and the two men were raptor handlers. It was funny and silly and beyond adorable.

Ben never thought he'd be content just sitting around and watching a child, but he was. He was happy at home. Joe preferred to work from his home office than the one on the lot anyway. They had people come to visit; Rami and Lucy with their little ones. Gwilym and his wife who was happy to announce that she was pregnant. And Allen's wife wasn't far off.

So many children for Emmy to play with as she got older. It was exciting for them all. Gone were the young lads who were so lost in California just trying to make their way in the world. They have all grown men with careers and blossoming families.

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