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Ben and Joe knew they wanted more children, they just didn't expect to have one so soon. They wanted to get used to having Emmy before they took on the challenge of having another. They thought between three and five years would be good for them to try again. By then, Emmy would be would. A little more independent. She would be out of the baby stage, out of the tantrum stage.

She was a well-minded child, but even she had her blowouts, just like the rest of the world. The last thing they wanted to do was to confuse her by having another child come along too soon. Besides, they were quite happy with their life. The three Muskateers. Four, if you count Frankie.

They did everything together. Being the father of a little girl was beyond magical. They didn't raise her any differently than they would a boy, but at the end of the day, she would lean more towards princesses and ponies. She liked her cars and her roughhousing. Joe was determined to make sure her favorite Ninja Turtle was Michaelangelo and Ben was very pleased to know that she had high hopes of being a Jedi when she grew up.

They had their ups and downs. Being a parent wasn't some walk in the park. It took time and effort. Sometimes the two men would argue over the silliest things, but in the end, they loved each other and their daughter and the life they created together.

They had no intention of adding on any time soon until Lucy approached them. There had been a few medical scares in her family as of late and after a long discussion with Rami, they decided they were finished having children. They had their son and their twin girls. They were happy and felt their family was complete.

She bounced back and forth between getting her tubes tied or a full-on hysterectomy due to the medical troubles her family had been going through, but she wanted to reach out to the boys first. She was their donor, their carrier, and Emmy's biological mother. If they wanted to have another child and go through the same thing again, they had to make that choice soon.

The men went back and forth trying to decide on what to do. The idea of freezing the eggs was passed up, but then came with the realization that somebody else would have to carry it. And what if it didn't take at first? Joe feared using up all the eggs and losing their chance at giving Emmy a biological sibling.

Ben didn't care either way. The world continued to question to Emmy's true father was. When she was first born, her hair was red, similar to Joe's hair. Now it softened into a strawberry blond and her eyes were greener than green, similar to Ben's. Nobody could figure it out, but Ben didn't give a damn.

Biological or not, Emmy was his daughter. And she was Joe's as well. And this child would be the very same, whether they used Lucy's egg or someone else's.

But he understood Joe's point of view. He grew up in a family that was incredibly close, that lived on the fact that 'blood is thicker than water' and all that mumbo jumbo.

They discussed what this would mean for them. Emmy had just turned two years old. She was still so young, entering the 'mine' stage. Would she get jealous? Upset? If they brought the baby home, would she shun it?

There were so many fears that they had yet to go over.

Not having a child wasn't an option. It just wasn't. Neither man would offer it because neither man wanted it. They wanted children together. They wanted a growing family. Ben couldn't even fathom the idea of not having another, because it wasn't in the cards for them.

Odd for a man who couldn't imagine marry in the first place, being a father, or even having a bloody pet.

Now he lives with the love of his life, has a dog that goes everywhere with him, and a tiny little Queen that orders him around proudly. It was a strange life, but he loves it endlessly.

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