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Date night is more or less none existent for them, though neither cared too much. They weren't young kids anymore. They weren't bashful young men who were still learning about one another. They were married with children and pets. With blossoming careers and fully lived lives.

Neither Ben or Joe was too beaten up over not being able to go out like they used to. They were content with where they had settled in their lives and didn't see the point in trying to go out and do anything wild. Dinner was fine, but that really didn't date anymore.

Sometimes they just didn't want to cook or order in or go to a play where they severed chicken fingers. It was rare but it happened but even then it was more a treat for them rather than something they planned.

The thought hadn't even crossed their minds until Rami mentioned his upcoming birthday and his desire to throw a party. Ben thought it was nearly laughable. What fully grown man throws himself a birthday party? Rami Malek, apparently.

He and Lucy planned the whole thing. A club had been rented out and actual invitations had been sent. RSVPing was important and even if the idea baffled the men, Ben and Joe agreed. They tried to tell themselves it would be fun. They'd have Priya watch the children overnight while they went out and enjoyed themselves.

Everybody was invited — everybody. Actors and actresses and models and directors. Literally everybody in their industry. Every time they turned around, one of them ran into somebody else. Half the people they saw were baffled as to why they were there. Apparently, word got around that the husbands were slight homebodies.

Ben didn't see the problem in that until the third or fourth person expressed how wild it was to see them out and about, doing something other than working and taking care of their family. Ben was openly annoyed with it, sulking in the corner with Joe by his side.

The brunet tried to remind him that in the defense of those around them, they really hadn't done much in quite some time. And their friends didn't mean to come off cruel. After all, they were happy to see them!

Ben just rolled his eyes and drank from his couple. Joe sighed in defeat, leaving the table. He returned sometime later, bottle in hand. Joe had given up drinking anything hard after Emmy was born. It was a healthy choice, one that Ben stood by wholeheartedly. He drinks socially only and since they hadn't exactly been very social, drinking rarely happened.

Until now it seemed.

Joe poured the bottle into two glasses and handed Ben one of them. "Cheers," Joe muttered, downing his glass. Ben mirrored his action, groaning as the slightly distorted flavor hit his throat. Getting a closer look at the bottle, he found it to be peppermint vodka.

"Not the worse we've had." He muttered quietly, taking the bottle to fill his glass up again.

And again. And again. They finished the bottle between them, sitting together on the couch as they drank and spoke. As the liquor hit them, the two began to loosen up. The two had always been very different drunks.

Ben was a loopy drunk. He was happy to just sit back and smile. He was comfortable right here he was.

Joe was a fun drunk, or so he told himself and everybody else around him. He wanted to get up and move. He wanted to dance and do something. It wasn't long until he was pulling Ben onto the dance floor to show off his moves.

They hadn't danced like this since the Oscar party after Emmy was born. Joe had been nominated and lost and decided to dance the sorrows away. It was a night neither men would forget, especially since Ben was fairly sure if men could produce a child on his own, he would have been carrying twins by the end of the night.

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