Golden Globes

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{Authors note: thank you all for the birthday wishes! My friend somehow (someway) convinced Gwilym (fucking) Lee of all people to wish me a happy birthday. So with that and all your lovely comments on WESBOMH, my birthday was absolutely perfect}

GOLDEN GLOBES. It had been a dream of Ben and Joe's since they started out in the industry. Being nominated was a dream come true. A nomination meant being recognized for your talent. For your worth. Ben knew that talented people didn't get nominated and sometimes those who do aren't as deserving, but it still meant a lot to him when he was given the chance to see his name up in lights.

It was the first time Ben had been nominated on his own. Not the show or an episode, but Ben as an actor. It was a true honor and he couldn't have been happier to hear the news.

Their daughter was just a year old when they were given the news and Ben had been working on trying to balance a good career and a loving family. And to his surprise, it was working. Things were still hectic and sometimes he felt like he was in over his head, but he was happy and so was Joe.

Joe was ecstatic to be apart of Ben's celebration and cheer him on. They had won their Emmy already and Joe was currently working on a new film that he was feeling very proud of. One that he swore was finally going to get him that Oscar nom that he wanted so desperately. Ben would stand by his husband no matter what he did, but even he had to admit the latest film was something different.

Something wonderful.

Something that was going to get tons of attention and buzz. It was exciting and new and they were ready to take on the world.

It was the first award show they had gone to since their daughter was morning and really, they thought about skipping it. Ben knew it was terrible, but he missed their little warrior princess. She was growing every day and all he wanted was to spend the night with her. Playing little games and watching as she chased after Frankie.

Ben knew it was quite pathetic, but he didn't care in the least. Emmeline was their entire world and he was completely content with that.

Joe felt the same, but even he wanted to go to the shop. To set out in the open where they were being honored. To dress to the nines, with gelled hair and perfection. Joe had taunted him with the reminder of how good they had looked at the Emmy's the year prior when their daughter was born. They didn't even make it to the show. Their fantastic outfits went to waste.

Joe didn't want that to happen again. He wanted to show off to the world and he wasn't going to let the blond pretend like staying home was an option.

So he gave in and allowed his husband to have his way. They got their suits and had the makeup people come along. They got airbrushed and were made to look pretty. Like the perfect Ken dolls, they were expected to look like.

They kissed their daughter goodbye and got into their town car. They walked the red carpet, smiling and posing and answering questions. It really was wonderful, even if Ben knew he didn't stand a chance at actually winning. Just being there was enough for him.

They met up with a few friends and took pictures. They smiled and laughed as the show went on. It was enjoyable, though Ben was itching to check on Priya and Emmy. He would sneak away whenever he could. It got to the point where Joe was getting annoyed with it.

He caught him in the bathroom, his arms crossed as Ben checked his phone, smiling as he looked at the pictures of Emmy that Priya had given him. Coming forward, he snatched the phone from his hands.

"Enough. We're at the fucking Golden Globes, you can let this go for a night." Joe told him with a roll of his eyes.

"This? Do you mean focusing on our one-year-old? I told you I didn't care about coming tonight. Now come on. Emmy's having a tea party."

"Do you hear yourself? You've worked your ass off for this!" Joe told him eagerly.

He wasn't wrong. He had been thinking about it for so long, having the chance to finally show off his talent and be gifted for it. Now was his chance to show off and he should be milking it for all it was worth, but he just didn't have the need anymore.

Ben never thought it would be possible but being here wasn't his happy place. This wasn't his home. Joe was. Their daughter was. And Ben didn't want to miss the little things because some people in suits thought he did his job well.

"Gimme my phone back."

Joe shook his head. "Enough. We have to get back to our seats."

Ben narrowed his eyes at the man, holding his hand out. "Joe, come on, gimme my phone."

When his husband refused his request, Ben moved forward to grab it. They went back and forth, playing their little game. Eventually, it began to truly annoy the blond and he pulled a bit too hard, shoving his husband back. The movement caught Joe off guard and he pushed back to keep himself standing, only for Ben to be knocked back into the sink.

The action along shouldn't have mattered, but when he did, he knocked the nozzle off the handle, forcing water to spray everywhere. Neither had realized just how old this place. How bad the plumbing was. The two men scrambled to get away, to put a stop it the endless sprays of water or get someone who could help them, only for Joe to slip from the ground, falling face forward on the tile.

He let out a loud scream and there was a rush of security as Ben knelt to the ground in the puddles to help his husband up.

There was a three-second period where everything was frozen, and now suddenly they were wet and Joe was bleeding. Security was trying to get the situation under control and it had to be the most ridiculous scene.

It didn't even seem real. Before they were having a tiny spat that barely mattered and now they were partially naked in the dressing rooms while the people behind the scenes tried to find them something to wear. They had an ice pack against Joe's face and he was checked by the EMT's. His nose wasn't broken, thank goodness, but he was in bad shape.

Bruised and beaten, the color left his cheeks all except for the black and blue marks that were left over.

Everybody knew at this point. They hadn't returned to their seats and Ben was fairly certain they wouldn't be going back out. Joe put up a fight not wanting to go to the hospital, but going back and pretending like everything was fine and normal wasn't an option anymore.

It was wild and ridiculous and half the people thought they broke the sink by fucking against it. It was by far the worst night of their lives.

"I can't believe this happened," Joe grumbled, leaning back against the couch.

Ben turned towards his husband, placing a hand on his knee. "We can head out if you like. I'm okay with that."

"This is supposed to be your night," Joe whined softly.

"I know and it still is. I can enjoy it without celebrating, Joe. Come on, look at us." It wasn't how either had pictures how this night was done. They were in there under clothes and Joe's face was swollen and muffled. "I miss Emmy. Besides it's not like I'm actually going to win."

"You don't give yourself enough credit," Joe muttered. "It's still early."

"We'll get McDonald's on the way," Ben muttered, patting his knee as he stood.

They had the car come around after changing into the clothing that had been provided to him. Joe climbed in first, lying back on the seats. Ben's phone went off, and he checked to see a text from Tom, his agent.


"Huh," Ben muttered softly.

That certainly didn't go as expected. Then again the entire night didn't go as planned.

"Do you think we should get Emmy a happy meal?" Joe called out from inside the car.

Ben sent back a quick reply, telling him to have someone accept the award on his behalf. Twitter would be in shambles in no time. Ben and Joe suddenly disappearing and Joe's bruises nose wouldn't be going anyway and Ben was certainly sure someone who worked in the back would tell the world they broke the bloody sink.

Right now none of that mattered, he had more important things he had to do.

Like, get his little girl some chicken nuggets.

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