Chapter 4

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After his talk with Holdaway, Freddy was eager to confront Larry again, though he supposed it would be reckless of him to go in head first like he had before. The older man would just shoo him off like he did last time. This time, he'd have to approach it more delicately.

Pink sat in his cell at a desk he was provided in the corner. He appeared to be writing on a loose leaf piece of paper — probably a story or memo or something to pass the time, when he was alerted that someone was there to speak to him. He didn't have any immediate family so this was immediately suspicious to him though the air was cleared when a familiar officer reared his ugly head. Mr. Orange. Or now, as he knew him, Freddy Newandyke.

"What d'ya want, rat?" Pink asks, returning his attention back to his writing. He didn't deem Freddy important enough to hold his full attention. A rat didn't deserve respect.

"I'm just here to talk to you about a few things." Freddy grabs a nearby chair and reverses its normal position to sit on it backwards, resting his arms on the back as he stares at Pink.

"Like what?"

"Well, I... saw you and White getting chummy in the prison yard. You guys best friends now or what?" Freddy snickers. The tension surrounding the two of them certainly wasn't as thick as the tension he felt within Larry's presence so cracking a joke didn't seem lethal to him.

"Tch. Yeah, give us a bit of time and we'll be sucking each others dicks in the showers." Pink retorts, turning his head to look at Orange. He had his attention now. "What are ya here for, Orange? If you're looking for information, you're sniffin' down the wrong alley. You already know everything ya need to know about me."

"Not information exactly... just gotta few questions for you. Just the clear the air a bit, I guess." The cop shrugs.

The lanky man leans back in his chair, staring at Orange curiously.


"It's about Larry. Er, White."

"I fuckin' knew it." Pink responds with a scoff and a shake of his head.

"Knew what?"

"You two are a coupla faggots, man. Hey, I'm pretty sure it's against the law for cops to be boning inmates — ya know that?"

Freddy rolls his eyes but can't help but look amused. Pink was always so quick to assume. He'd only previously known the guy for a few weeks but it was enough to pick up on his mannerisms.

"You're outta your gore. We're not doing anything together. We hardly even talk." He tells Pink.

Pink pauses to stare at him momentarily, recalling his conversation with White earlier that day.

"Oh yeah?"


"Then what the hell d'ya got to say to me about him? I don't know anymore than you do." That was a lie. If he played his cards right, he could get the ball rolling on that plan of his before White even had the chance to back out. He was sure Larry would thank him in the long run anyway.

"Then you don't know if he's mentioned me at all." It's more of a statement, disappointment taking a toll on Freddy's tone.

Pink scratches at the scruff on his chin, acting as though he's in thought.

"Well, actually...I do remember him saying something about you."

"...You do? What was it?" Orange tries to sound casual but it's hard when he's genuinely wanting to know.

"Shit, man. What do you think this is? We're not in middle school — you're treatin' me like I'm some kind of messenger."

"Listen, man. I'll talk the other guys into giving you an extra hour of recreational time if you tell me." Freddy says flatly, staring at the other man seriously.

This catches Pink off guard. He was going to tell him anyway. Honestly, he was just having fun giving the guy a hard time but good on him for actually managing to get something out of it.

"Damn, you're really into this guy, huh? What'd the two of you do during the time we had to get our shit together before the heist?"

Freddy rolls his eyes again but this time, he's not so much amused as he is annoyed.

"Just tell me."

"Alright, alright. He said, uhh... he's disappointed in you." Pink tells him, glancing at his nails. "Says he wants to talk to you but he's not sure how. Ya hurt 'im. You hurt 'im real bad, Orange."

Freddy stares, keeping a neutral expression somehow despite a growing knot of pain in his stomach. That guilt was resurfacing. What Pink was telling him wasn't anything new but it still bothered him nonetheless.

"I know." The officer finally says, his eyes falling to the floor. "Where should I start?" He asks.


"To get Larry to forgive me. Where should I start? I tried talking to him, but—"

"Whoa, whoa— this isn't some therapy session. I've honly known Larry the same amount of time you've known him. Maybe less. How do you expect me to know what you should say to the guy?"

"I don't know!" Freddy snaps. "I don't know, man. Just — just give me something. Based on your own experience." He insists. "I can't talk to the other officers about this shit. I'll sound like a maniac — wanting the respect of a convict. I can't even tell one of my best friends this shit. Don't ya think I want to?!" He raises his voice considerably, brows furrowed as he stares at Pink.

"I'm sure ya do but ya got yourself into this mess, kid. Sure, we're criminals... we deserve to be here and all." He rolls his eyes. "But you really could've tried to bust us some different way if you're really the type to wear your heart on your sleeve like that. It was stupid of you to get attached and now you're reaping the consequences. So either deal with it or try to talk to the guy." Pink tells him, not sure what else to say. Those were his honest words, too. "You're wastin' your time in here with me. Say something to him and hope that he still has it in him to forgive you." Pink concludes.

Orange is quiet for a long moment, considering his words.

"He has a soft spot for you, Orange. Even now. It might be hard to see after everything that's happened but it doesn't take a genius to see through that queer." Pink adds jokingly, trying to lighten the mood a bit.

A smile slowly stretches at the corner of Freddy's lip. "...I know you guys are criminals and all but..." he glances towards the door to make sure they're not being listened in on. Then he looks back to Pink. "I guess I did get a little too attached. A few of you were pretty cool guys. You and White... and maybe Brown. Shame he was killed." He thinks aloud.  "Anyway, my point is, before all that chaos happened, hangin' with you guys wasn't all that bad. I got to feel cool for a while, like I was living on the edge or something." He smiles.

"Yeah, I did too before I was thrown in the slammer." Pink responds pessimistically. "Now get outta here an' go bother Mr. White with all this sappy shit. I'm sure he'll appreciate it."

Freddy could tell by Pinks words, despite the circumstance, that he was somewhat flattered by what he had to say. The tone he used wasn't particularly bitter. It was as if he really wanted him to confide with White.

Freddy gives a wordless nod, still baring a small smile as he gets up to leave. He then turns but stops and glances back at Pink as he hears him speak once more.

"Oh, and when you talk to White, tell him that Pink says 'you're welcome'."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 09, 2019 ⏰

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