Chapter 1

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Larry, formerly known as Mr. White, had been betrayed. Betrayed by the very man in which he defended to the very end — one he had shared such a connection with that he was all too convinced he could do no wrong. He had been sorely mistaken and now he was dealing with the consequences for so stupidly wearing his heart on his sleeve.

Lawrence Dimmick now sat in prison, recounting the events that took place on that day nearly three months ago for the umpteenth time in his head. What the plan was, the moments leading up to that disaster, and the events that soon followed. The more he thought about it, the more it should have been obvious to all of them but there was nothing he could do about it now. He'd do his time and then move on with his life. What else could he do?

He perused through a book as these thoughts plagued his mind, unable to concentrate on its contents. The thoughts were almost as painful as the incident itself, all that initial shock rushing back to him again, making him feel even stupider than the last time he thought about it due to hindsight.

He had killed two long time friends of his all for some guy he'd only known for a few weeks. To protect him only to be betrayed. He was so convinced that they were wrong. That there was no way Freddy could be the cop. He insisted that he knew him better than that. That Freddy wouldn't lie to him, he was sure of it. They had been nothing but honest and open with eachother and that's a big part of the reason he felt such a strong connection to the other man. Clearly, he just had a bad judge of character. Freddy was nothing but a rat and he always had been. He had manipulated him, molding himself into the form of something he knew Larry would like so as to squeeze information out of him without Larry even being aware of the fact that he was sharing it.

He was such an idiot for falling for something so obvious.

Larry was sure the cop was proud of himself. Proud for catching some long time criminals and exposing them. Proud for making Larry turn against his own friends at a last ditch effort to protect himself before the police arrived. What a lousy little prick.

Suddenly, his thoughts are interrupted by a voice. The voice of the prison guard in his sector.

"Dimmick, an officer wants to have a word with you."

Larry looks up from the book, quirking a brow. "A word for me? They ain't gettin' anything more than what they already know. I ain't a rat." He states.

"Calm down, Alfonzo. I'm just the messenger. You tell him that, not me." The guard retorts with a little attitude.

A little clink can be heard as the door of his cell is unlocked and as the doors open, a familiar face is revealed.

Larry is immediately scowling, determined not to say so much as a word to the other man. It's Freddy Newandyke, otherwise known as the little bitch that betrayed him or Mr. Orange if you want to get technical.

Freddy appears nervous though Larry can tell he's trying to put on an intimidating front. It must have been pretty awkward for him to face the very man of whom he had felt so fondly for not even that long ago only to betray him in a matter of days. Good. This asshole deserved all the discomfort he got.


"Lawrence." Larry corrects sternly, eyes locked on the other. He's holding an intense stare on the younger male and it's serving to make him shrink down from his officer status in his presence.

"Lawrence." Freddy starts again, grimacing. "I need to talk to you."

"Well I sure as hell don't gotta talk to you. In fact, I ain't got nothin' to say to you unless you're willin' to handle a fair number've insults. An' for YOU, 'fair' may be too much." He shoots back venomously, eyes narrowing slightly. He means it too. He wants nothing to do with this backstabbing jerk after what he put him through.

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