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Thanks to all those who voted and commented.

So let's start the story.

Alia's pov

Alia- I will miss u.

I was having tears in my eyes and I don't know why but I was really sad seeing him go. I don't wanted him to go. In these two week he was able to rule my heart.

You must be thinking to whom I am saying this. It's Varun and he is leaving for London and that too for a week as some important work came. And I came here at airport to see off him.

Varun- I will miss u too alu. Don't cry . I will come soon it's just one week time and will pass soon.

Alia- but promise me that u will call me everyday.

Varun- yaa babe I will now can I go.

Alia- ok but come soon.

Varun- ok babe I will find soon. Byy.


I kissed him last time before he goes.

And then he left as the flight announcement was made. I sat in my car and went to a cafe near house as i was not feeling like to go to house.

I ordered a cappuccino for me and sat on a seat. I was seeing the outside  view kids were playing old uncle's were jogging and auntie's were talking. Some couples were roaming holding each other's hand. I remembered the time when me and Varun held hands while roaming .

As I was busy in my thoughts somebody came and sat on the chair beside. I saw it was boy around my age something and I must say he was good looking but not more that my Varun.

Person-sorry but as there are no seats empty can I sit with you.

He asked and I must say his voice was so sexy but not more than my Varun.
Why the hell am I even comparing a stranger to varun.

Alia- ok .

Person- hi I am Sidharth Malhotra urf Sid and u.

Alia- I am Alia raichand.

Sid- oh daughter of Rahul raichand the biggest buisness tycoon in India.

Alia- yaa.

Sid- I am really a fan of ur father. I like how dedicated and amazing business man he is.

Alia- thanks.

Sid- so why are u sitting here alone and looking so dull.

Alia- why u think that I will tell u the reason.

Sid- because I am ur frnd .

Alia- and when that happened.

Sid- now and u can trust me. Maybe I can help u.

Alia- it's nothing I am just missing someone .

Sid- who? Ur boyfrnd.

Alia- no my fiancee.

Sid-u r engaged .

Alia- yaa.

And then u showed him my ring.

We talked about further things and came to know that he is a choreographer. He has choreographed for many celebs and also had a academy.

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