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I was seeing so beautiful dream that suddenly i fall down off the bed. What the hell?

I saw that kriti kicked me out of the bed in her sleep. I was so angry on her. I picked up the water jar that was kept beside and threw all the water on her.  Her expression were literally hilarious. I was laughing my ass off. She saw me and then we started running and she was running behind me with a pillow in her hand. I ran out of the room and hid behind my father.

Alia- pops see kriti is throwing pillow on me.

Kriti-uncle she threw water on my face.

I saw mom coming out of my kitchen.

Mom - when will u both behave like mature person. U both are going to marry. And u are behaving like teenagers.  Go to ur room and come after changing for breakfast.

We both replied yes in unison and went to my room. After that we both freshen up and went downstairs for breakfast.
I was damn excited to meet Varun I don't know myself also that why was I so excited only too see him.

I was lost in my thoughts suddenly mom's voice disturbed my thoughts.

Mom- Alia where u lost and why r u smiling like an idiot?

Alia- no..nothing mom.

Kriti- aunty I will tell why see is smiling and where she is lost.

Alia- shut up.

Kriti- vo aunty our alu is lost in the thoughts of her soon to be hubby.

I was so embarrassed that I was looking down.

Mom- alu?

Kriti- yaa aunty alu is a nickname​ for our alia by my soon to be jiju.

Mom- ohhoooo varun gave her a nickname also hmm.

All of then were teasing me.

Alia- dad see na they all are teasing me.

Dad- aree shut ur mouth no one will tease my..........alu.

Alia- dad u also.

I stood up from my seat.

Alia- Haan hann tease u all tease. So what if I was thinking of Varun he is my fiance after all. I can think of him Everytime .

All of them were seeing me with me wide eyes. They were turning there eyeballs. I couldn't understand what they were saying.

Alia - what now? Why u all shut ur mouth? Hmm after all how can u take a panga from Alia Malhotra. Vaise I was thinking that why I am so excited to meet Varun. I was thinking that my name will change to Alia dhawan after marriage and it suits na mom.

All of them were silent. They were not saying anything.

Alia- mom why r u not saying anything? Vaise I was thinking to start calling taapsee as taap bhabi . It will be fina na. After all I am going to marry vee. U know what he likes me a lot I also like him infact I could say I lo.....

𝑨𝒓𝒓𝒂𝒏𝒈𝒆 𝒎𝒂𝒓𝒓𝒊𝒂𝒈𝒆 𝒕𝒐 𝒂 𝒔𝒕𝒓𝒂𝒏𝒈𝒆𝒓[✔️]Where stories live. Discover now