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Thanks to all those who voted and commented on my story.

So let's start the story.

Alia's pov

I was currently sitting in a shop with Mom.

Taap- this will suit Varun na for wedding.

Taap  also came with us leaving  her daughters with kartik bhai who was spending his day with his daughters. She was holding a black colour sherwani.

Alia- ya I think this will suit vee. He will look good in it.

Taap- ok than I will buy this one. Bhaiya pack this one.

I selected a baby pink colour lehanga for me . We selected a resort for the wedding which was going to be held in goa as it was my dream to get married in Goa.

We finished our shopping and went  home. I decided that I will tell the decision to vee when he will come back because I want to talk to him face to face. I don't how but I know that he managed to take my heart.  As I was in my thoughts my phone started disturbing my thoughts. It was Sid's call.

Sid- hello Alia.

Alia- hello Sid. So how did u called me today.

Sid- vo i want to say that come fast outside  ur house and wear something nice. I am waiting outside.

Alia- what are u doing outside my house?

Sid- Yaa now come fast don't ask any question because it's surprise .

Alia- ok wait for 5 mins. I am coming.

Sid- hmm.

And then he cut the call. I changed into a black crop top and torn jeans . I made high pony applied some lipstick and mascara and did some touchup and went downstair.

Mom- where are u going Alia?

Alia- mom I am going out  with some friend and I will come soon

Mom- ok but come soon.

Alia- fine mom. Now byy.

I went outside and saw Sid standing outside with a white Mercedes-Benz .

Sid- hii. U r looking beautiful. Now come fast otherwise we will gate late .

Alia - ok fine. I know u r not to going tell. So let's move .

And then we went to some place which I don't know and he didn't told me. After sometime I saw that he stopped the car outside . I saw it was a film a studio and many vanity vans were standing there. I moved out of the car . Sid came to my side and holded my hand and started moving close to a vanity van side . He wrapped his hands on my  eyes suddenly.

Alia- what is this Sid?

Sid- shhhh just move as I am saying.

And then I started moving. I stepped a step and then I hear some shuffling and smelled a perfume.

And then Sid unwrapped his hands. Suddenly light entered my eyes I closed my eyes and then what I saw was like my dream. I pinched myself. It hurted me. I was about to faint but sid held me from back.

Alia- i...is it tr...rue what..at I am see..ing. or am I dream...ing.

Sid- Yaa Alia it is. You are not dreaming. Go otherwise it will remain dream only.

I went forward and touched him.

Shahruk- Alia u r not dreaming I am really shahruk Khan only.

Yes it's true standing in front of me was shahruk Khan. I squealed and hugged him tightly. He also hugged me. It was like a dream come true moment. I broke the hug.

Alia- sir I am really a very very big fan of urs . I have seen ur every movie and I loved every movie. My fvrt is kuch kuch hota Hai. I love u alot.

Shahruk- thank u and i am glad that u watch my every film. And I love u too.

I took selfies with him and kissed on his cheek and took his signature. ( Author- all this things I want to do with Varun and I am sure every varuniacs wants this).

As I was busy in chatting with him . A spotboy came and told him that it was time for his shoot so he has to go.

Shahruk- so I guess its my time to go. It was nice meeting u Alia.

Alia- I should say this to you. Thank u so much .

And then he went. I turned and hugged Sid tightly and kissed his cheek in excitement.  He was shocked when I suddenly kissed him even I was I think it was just a reflex moment.

Aki- thnku so much Sid. I am so grateful to u.  I don't have words to say anything now. Just because of u I met him. I am so thankful to u. I love u so so so much .

Sid- what.

Alia- what what.

Sid-you said u love me.

Alia- yaa I love as a friend.

Sid- ohh. Your welcome and I am happy that ur dream came true.

And then we both went to a restaurant where I treated him.

Sid- so when is the wedding?

Alia- next week.

Sid- what u r getting married in a week.

Alia- yaa.

Sid- oh so u love marriage

Alia- no arrange marriage.

Sid- means u don't love him .

Alia- no it's not like that .

Sid- then tell me.

And then I told him the whole fiasco.

Sid- I understand now.

And then he dropped me home and I went and changed my clothes and slept as I was exhausted.

Authors's pov

Alia's phone was buzzing contineously displaying name Varun which she was not aware of as she slept. On one hand she was sleeping peacefully and on other hand somebody was tensed .


        Dedicated to all my readers.


See you all soon.

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