"More than Siblings" -Part 1

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My name is Y/N.
I'm 17 years old and I live in Oslo. My parents broke up 3 years ago.Actually, I wasn't sad at all when they broke up. They were always fighting and it was really annoying.

Anyway I live with my mum and everything is okay.
Almost everything...

Yesterday my mum told me that she is dating someone! He's also married but he broke up too 5 years ago. He has only 2 sons. I don't remember their names. I think it's Margus and Marvinious. Anyway, I don't care.
But the 'good' news is that we are going to live all together...

And yes if you didn't understand, I'm not happy for that.

Mum: Are you ready sweety?


Mum: Come on girl! I'm begging you! Mr Kjell-Erik is amazing! And his sons Marcus and Martinus, too!


Mum: They are not strangers! He really cares for me. And I'm really happy too!

Me: You are?

Mum: Yeah... Please come on. Let's go.

Me: Huff whatever.

We arrived in Trofors. I used to live in a beautiful city and now I LIVE IN A VILLAGE! Ew.
We opened the door and we saw a man.

Kjell-Erik: Hey girls!

Mum: Hey

I just smiled. They hugged and then the man stroked my hair. I hate it when someone touch my hair.

We came in and we sat on the sofa. Then a boy came too. He looked nice. He was cute and he smiled when he saw me.

Marcus: Hi! My name is Marcus.

Me: Hey. I'm Y/N.

Marcus: Nice to meet you! Do you want me to show you your room?

I nodded.

More than Siblings -Marcus & Martinus fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now