Part 15

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I was confused.

I was ready to talk but suddenly his face came closer to me.

Oh god.

He started kissing my lips.

I was shocked.

Firts we were both shy but then he started kissing me with more passion.
I put my hands around his neck and he put his hands on my back.
He pushed my body on the wall and that made the kiss really good.

After some minutes we stopped kissing because we heard someone coming downstairs too.
It was my mum and his dad.

Fortunately, they didn't see us.

Parents: Good morning kids!

We didn't reply. We were both breathing fast because we had been kissing for minutes.

Mum: Are you okay? Why are you out of breath?

Me: I have to go to school!

Mum: Okay... Take care!

I took my bag and I was ready to go.
I looked at Martinus and he smiled.

Martinus: See ya Y/N. Bye

I blushed and I smirked.

Me: Bye Martinus.
At school
Me and Martinus haven't talked since the morning. When he saw me at school's breaks he's smiling so much.

In one school's break, Jim came closer to me and he asked me if I wanted to go out with him. And Marcus. I said 'yes' but I don't really want it to.

When Martinus saw me talking with Jim he got angry. But he didn't come to stop us.

So he's going to kill me at home...

When school ended, I started going to my house.

While I was walking, I felt someone holding my butt. First I was shocked but then I saw Martinus.

Me: Martinus are you crazy?

Martinus: No. I'm in love with you.

I looked at him surprised and I blushed.

He kissed my lips and then he grabbed my hand.

Martinus: Come on let's go.

Me: Okay but not hand-in-hand.

Martinus: What? Why?

Me: And what if someone see us? Like Marcus or our parents?

He didn't say anything.
He kissed my lips for last time.
He let my hand and we started walking.

When we went in the house, our parents had already left.

Martinus: Y/N?

Me: Yeah?

Martinus: Can I ask you something?

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