Part 29

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After all this

We were breathing fast. I was lying on his chest and he was stroking my hair.

Me: So, how…

Martinus: Well, your father called me yesterday and he told me that you're gonna be alone at home today. And he also told me that I can come here with you.

Me: Wow…

Martinus: Yeah, your father is amazing!

He laughed and I kissed his neck.

Me: And what about your dad and my mom?

Martinus: I didn't tell them anything. They think that I'm at my uncle's house right now.

Me: But you're not…

He smiled.

After some minutes, the doorbell rang.

Martinus: Who-

Me: Delivery.

I stood up and I wore only his hoodie.
I was ready to open the door but Martinus stood up too and he grabbed my arm.

Martinus: No no no. No like this.

Me: Come on Martinus! Just a minute!

I ignored his and I opened the door.
It was a man who was holding a bag.
He was really hot. Not like Martinus, but he was good.
When he saw me, he smiled.

He gave me the bag and then I asked him:

Me: So how much?

Man: For beautiful girls like you, nothing.

Me: Aw thank you but-

I was ready to talk but Martinus came and hugged me from behind. Yeah he was angry with me and the man.

Martinus: Something wrong?

Man: N-no it's okay.

Martinus started being furious. He stopped hugging me and he was ready to hit the man but I stopped him.
I gave the money for the pizzas and I closed the door.

Martinus looked me angry.

Martinus: So that's it? If you were alone, you would flirt with him while I was in Trofors?

I smiled.

Me: Come on Martinus…

I went closer to him. He didn't move.
I wrapped my arms around his neck.

Me: You're so cute when you're jealous…

Martinus: So you did all this to make me  jealous?

Me: No! I didn't even flirt with him!

He smiled.

Martinus: My baby will be punished.

I smiled and I bit my lip.

Me: How?

He smiled and he pushed my body on the sofa. He took off my hoodie and he looked at my naked body.

Me: Ey stop it.

Martinus: Hush baby. Now I can do whatever I want. You are not allowed to talk.

I smiled again.

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