Part 34

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Martinus: Yeah of course.

They were ready to go to the living room but I stopped them.

Me: Can I come with you?

Martinus smirked and then my dad nodded.

We sat on the sofa and Martinus wrapped one of his arm around my neck while we were siting. I smiled.

Dad: So... Martinus I'm so sorry but this house is too small and it has only two bedrooms. One for me and one for Y/N…

We looked down…

Dad: So you must share the same room with Y/N.

He smiled and I smiled too.

Martinus: Well, I'll ask Y/N and if she wants me too, then-

I hugged him tightly.

Me: I hate you.

He smiled and we stopped hugging.

Dad: Okay and that means that you will share the same bed. So... You have to promise me something.

Me: Okay…

Dad: When I'm not at home, do whatever you want. But when I'm here please be quiet. Okay?

It was so embarrassing moment for me. Martinus was so relaxed and he just nodded.

Dad: So, I gotta go now.

He stood up and I stood up too. He hugged me and then he left.

Martinus: Okay now, get off your clothes and wait for me in your bedroom.

Me: What no I'm-

Martinus: Now.

I looked at him angry. I didn't move at all. He came closer to me.

Martinus: Go now.

I laughed.

Me: Don't be late.

He smiled and I smiled back
Four years later


I looked down and my eyes got wet.

Me and Martinus are still a couple.
He finished studying in the college and I'm finishing my college too, in some years.
I'm 22 years old and Martinus is 24.
Lately, I've been avoiding Martinus when he wants me to make love. But I can't tell him why. We are both MUCH TOO YOUNG and I'm sure he doesn't want the baby…


Me: Martinus I can't…

Martinus: Is there someone new?

Yes I'm pregnant.

Me: Kinda…

He was shocked. He looked down disappointed.

Me: It's not a boy…

Then he looked at my eyes. I went closer to him but he stopped me.

Martinus: We're over.

I couldn't say anything else.
He left the house.

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