Chapter 2: A Date?

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"Emily, can I talk to you?"

Emily couldn't believe what she was hearing. Axel Armstrong wanted to talk. To her. All her dreams were coming true. Usually she imagined him on a white horse, but this would have to do.

"S-sure Axel, I'd love to talk."

He held out his hand and shined his pearly white smile. She took it, standing up. She felt tingles run up her arm and straight to her heart. God, he's completely perfect. He helped her up and she felt entirely special.

He turned around and started to walk away, toward a secluded part of the school. Emily turned around and looked at Nathan. He gave her a thumbs up, his face revealing that he was just as excited as her. She smiled widely and shot her fist in the air, holding a thumbs up at her friend. This day was just getting better and better for Emily.

Axel led her under an empty staircase. Not the perfect place for a romantic talk, but Emily only cared about who she was with at the moment. Axel turned to face her and started speaking.

"Emily, I know this is a bit last minute, but would you like to go on a date with me after school today?"

"I-I um of course. Of course Axel, I would love to." Emily was so shocked she had trouble speaking. She had been waiting for this moment for years.

"Great, do you know where my car is?"

Emily did know, but she didn't want to freak him out by telling him that she always watched him get out of his car from the window of her first period class.

"I-I think I know where it is."

"Great, I park right next to the big oak tree out front. I'll see you there."

Axel leaned toward her and placed a soft kiss on her cheek. She stood there as he walked away casually, a smile inching its way up her face.

 She stood there as he walked away casually, a smile inching its way up her face

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Emily waited anxiously by Axel's car. She had sprinted from her last period class. She almost fell as she abruptly changed direction when she remembered to check her hair and makeup in the bathroom. She had to check from the corners of the mirror, as some girl was hogging the mirror while caking on pink eye shadow. Then she continued her run and made it to his car. She was glad that she chose to wear her favorite outfit today.

Emily looked around to see if he was near. She reminded herself to ask for his phone number. Out of the corner of her eye she spotted his beautiful blonde hair. She turned to look at him directly, beyond excited. 

She was mistaken. All she saw was Jimmy McKullen, not Axel Armstrong. She looked away, disappointed. 

"You ready to go?" a voice asked behind Emily.

Emily turned around. Axel Armstrong. She smiled.

"Yes, I'm ready."

He walked past Emily and opened the passenger door for her. She mumbled a shy 'thank you' and sat down. He got in the drivers seat and turned on the engine. They drove off.

"Can I have your phone number?" Emily asked.


He told her the numbers, and she typed them in her phone.

"So, Emily, what kind of pizza do you like?" Axel asked.

"I like pepperoni."

"Awesome, I do too. Let's split."

She couldn't help but imagine Lady and the Tramp when he said that. Will we share pizza romantically?  In her mind, she got the image of them eating the same slice, but her vision was romanticized, not oddly gross like what others would picture.

"Okay," she replied dreamily.

They made it to the pizza shop

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They made it to the pizza shop. They were sitting now, waiting for the pizza that they ordered. Emily sat facing the back of the shop, while Axel was facing the front. She didn't know why he was so intent on sitting in that direction. He almost pushed her into the other seat, but being the gentleman that he is, he covered it up by pulling the other seat out for her.

The bell hanging above the pizza shop door chimed, indicating that more customers were coming in. Axel stiffened in his chair. Emily noticed, and turned around to see who it was. She saw a gorgeous red haired girl followed by a tall and dark shadow of a person. Emily turned back to Axel.

"Are those your friends?" Emily asked innocently.

"Ha, no Emily, they're not my friends."

"Do you know them?"

"Let's stop talking about this, Emily," Axel warned politely.

"One pepperoni pizza!" a stocky woman called out as she came to their table.

"Yes that's ours," Emily says.

"Here you go darling."

"Thank you."

The pizza steamed as Axel continued to look at the couple. The couple ordered their pizza at the front desk and sat at the table behind Emily, completely unaware of anything around them.

"If it's bothering you this much, we can get a take-out box and leave," Emily offered.

He sighed and rubbed his hands on his face in annoyance.

"God, Emily. That's my ex-girlfriend," Axel whispered angrily.

"Should we leave then?"

"No! I want her back."


Emily understood.

Emily understood

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Innocent Emily KimWhere stories live. Discover now