Chapter 4: Party!

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Axel parked the car along a neighborhood street full of cars. Axel opened the door for Emily, and she immediately heard the loud noises and music from the party. She had never been to a party before, excluding the gatherings hosted by her parents or their friends.

"Let's go inside," Axel told Emily.

"So, let's make this clear. I'm pretending to be your girlfriend, right?"

"For the whole night, baby!"

Emily swooned. She usually didn't like that pet name, but when he said it, she felt special.

They walked up the driveway. Some kids sat in the back of a truck, parked haphazardly on the front lawn, drinking beer and laughing. 

They went up the stairs and into the house. Axel turned to Emily.

"I'll go get you a drink."

She hesitated, then nodded.

Emily stood awkwardly at the front of the house. Someone bumped into her. She mumbled an apology and moved out of the way. Axel came back, walking backwards as he laughed at something some shirtless guy yelled at him. He came up to Emily.

"Here, drink this."

He held out a can of beer. She knew that drinking alcohol was dangerous, but from all the events that have happened today, she thought trying one more thing out wouldn't hurt. She took a big gulp. The disgusting liquid slid down her throat, causing her to cringe. Axel laughed at her boldness and took a drink of his own beer.


Emily held up the can and Axel clinked his can with hers. They laughed as some beer spilled out of both of their cans and proceeded to drink.

"Let's dance," Emily said.

Axel nodded, then burped. He took her hand and led her to the middle of the living room, where a couch was pushed against the wall to make room for dancing. Some people were dancing on the couch, much to the dismay of the people sitting on the couch.

They faced each other, downed their beers, then threw them dramatically on the ground. They laughed, then clasped hands as they began their dance. Axel held her close during the very infrequent slow songs, and spun her around during the fun songs. She was having a great time. She was glad that he was respecting her too, and not touching her inappropriately like other people in the room. Such a gentleman!


"What?" Emily asked worriedly. Axel was looking behind her. She turned around and understood immediately.

"What're they doing here?"

Emily's mouth hung open. Axel's ex-girlfriend and brother stood at the front of the room. Emily regained focus and turned back to Axel.

"No wait Axel, this is perfect."

"How so?"

"This is the perfect opportunity to make them jealous."

Axel paused.

"You're right. Let's do this."

Axel grabbed her by the waist, lifted her up, and spun her around. She squealed. As she spun, she caught eyes with Aiden, Axel's brother. He was staring at them, frowning.

Axel let her down and continued to hold her as she swayed on her feet, trying to regain balance.

"I'll get us another drink."


Emily stood in the middle of the makeshift dance floor. She heard a deep voice and looked up.

"Can I have this dance or whatever?"

Emily was shocked. Aiden looked impatient, waiting for her reply.

"What about your girlfriend?" she questioned in a snarky tone.

"Can we just dance?" Aiden grumbled.

"I guess."

Aiden huffed and grabbed her waist. Emily slowly brought her hands to his strong shoulders. After dancing awkwardly for about thirty seconds, him avoiding eye contact the entire time, he bent his head down to whisper in her ear.

"I'll warn you now before you get hurt. Stay away from my brother."

"Huh, what gives you the right to tell me that?"

Emily was dumbfounded and a bit mad. Aiden pulled his head back to look at her with judging eyes.

"Oh come on. You don't actually believe that you have a chance with my brother."

"I do, actually, since I'm his girlfriend."

"Yeah right. This little act isn't fooling anyone."

"It isn't an act. We are together."

He got close to Emily's face, briefly glancing down at her bright pink lips. He spoke his next sentence slowly.

"You're just another girl pining after my brother. Get over yourself and leave."

Emily paused, then spoke again, emotion evident in her voice.

"I hate you."

Aiden didn't look fazed in the slightest.

"I would say the feeling's mutual, but I don't care enough to hate you."

With that, he turned and walked away. Axel came back shortly after, holding two cans of beer.

"Sorry I took so long, the line was super long. Hey, what happened?"

Emily grabbed his hand and pulled him toward the bedrooms, infuriated. She would show Aiden that they were a couple. She pulled them into a room and locked the door.

"What's wrong, Emily?"

She put on a brave face and looked at Axel.

"We'll show them that we're a couple."

Innocent Emily KimWhere stories live. Discover now