In the depth of desire did my gasping, even while deeper, consume me.
I was drowning in emotions that were yours,
Trusting to let go of my hold, for in your words did safety release fear's grip on my lungs.
Testing deep waters,
Chilly and dark, someone should have warned me of the depths of these parts.
Out with life, in rushed the essence that you are.
I was lost in this depth,
I had loved to my death.
For of what use is my soul if not to love till my last breath.
And the soul it finds itself in,
That which is itself,
A soul I seek to win,
The soul that's yours, to love, up to your very being.
It's for this, my desires I pen down,
That for which, the soul that's mine, I'd drown...
As Deep as Hearts.
PoetryMy life, My love, My words. This is a collection of my experiences, My views about life, love and laughter. In every piece there's a story and every piece attempts to tell your story. -Fega. Follow me on Twitter @fegatsby and on Instagram @fega_rk.