Chapter 2 - 2015

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He didn't come back. I waited for him, but he didn't come back. Some nights I couldn't sleep and I'd just wait for him, watching out the window at the road. It was my fault he was gone. If I'd been a little faster, shouted a little louder, he'd still be here. I could have talked him out of it when he went off on one about time travel, and the restraints Dad put on his abilities, rather than just sit there in silence, letting his anger grow. Otherwise he's still be here. I can still see him when I close my eyes. That damn blue light that follows me whenever I try to sleep. I can hear him sometimes too. He's always talking to someone, but it's so fuzzy I can never catch a single word. I think I'm well and truly going mad.

It took over a year for anyone to notice I was still not quite right. Everyone had grown around me, starting to tower above my small stature. I hadn't cut my hair in over a year, and yet it hadn't grown an inch the entire time. Years later it became apparent; I may be able to move, but my body was still frozen in time. My failure to stop Five had only gone and stuck itself to me permanently, a constant reminder it was my fault he was gone. The others tried to console me, tell me how this eternal youth was a gift, but then they grew up and learned that youth only meant being trapped in this house, and then they hurried to grow up and leave this place, leave me, as soon as they could. Soon it was just me and Luther, but then even Luther left, shipped of the planet by Dad to protect him.

I can't even leave the house alone. Vanya made sure of that. My eternal youth spread fair and wide in that flimsy book, and the feathers adorning my back only earned me the title of 'angel'. It took almost no time for rumours to start of how I could perform miracles, and next thing I know I'm forbidden to leave the house. Dad's version of helping, I suppose. I was in a cage of my own making, but I was trapped in it because of my family. The longer they were away, the more my anger towards them grew.
They left me here.
They left me alone.
Luther chose Dad over me.
Diego chose Mum over me.
Allison chose fame over me.
Klaus chose freedom over me.
Vanya chose that damn book. Over me.

Five chose another time.

Ben died.

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