Chapter 17 - Past. Present. Future?

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It wasn't often that the house fell into silence, but after missions, everyone was always alittle solemn. Dad always managed to say something to ruin the celebratory mood, this time opting to insult Five's timing. Five sat in silence at the end of my bed, gaze fixed on the floor. I had been about to go see if he was okay, before he walked through my open door, shutting it behind him and sitting himself at the foot of my bed. We'd been sat in silence for sometime now, but I knew to wait for Five to start talking in order not to upset him, and he knew to sit for awhile before talking to me as to calm himself as to not snap at me. I was about to reach for my book when he turned his head, looking over at me as I sat crossed legged at the other end of the bed from him, staring at him patiently.

"He always has to undermine me, right as I feel like I'm getting somewhere." His voice cracked as if he might have started crying, but we both knew he wouldn't.

"You are getting somewhere." I found myself shuffling along the bed to sit next to him and my legs swung over the side of the bed to I could sit close beside him. It was unknown if the close proximity was to comfort me or him, but neither of us cared.

"I know I am." Cocky, as always. "But he just has to ruin everything." I took his hands in mine, using my fingers to pry open his own which had been clenched tight in his lap.

"You and I both know he exists to torment us, but you've got to keep a cool head. You can't fight him. He'll make life a living hell." Five's features contorted as his gaze fell onto the bandage of my newest bullet wound to the forearm.

"He already makes life a living hell." I pushed my palm into his cheek, forcing his eyes away from the bloodied material wrapped around my arm. His eyes flicked back up to mine, eyes softening as he raised a hand, and keeps my hand pressed against his cheek with his own.

"Even if it can't get much worse for me, he can certainly make it worse for you. Please don't make it worse." He sighed, leaning into my hand. I could feel his own trembling as he held my hand tightly.

"I will try. But I can't let him limit me forever. My powers have such huge potential. Imagine what I could do if I would time travel." I can see his mind start to wander.

"Five! You're going to get yourself hurt. Please!" I couldn't help but feel my voice catch in my throat as tears pricked the corners of my eyes. Five noticed as his own breath hitched, his hand lowering my hand from his cheek into his lap, his gaze following.

"If I can time travel, I can stop Dad from hurting you. We can go anywhere, any time. We-..." I stopped him in his tracks with a finger pressed against his lips. His head lifted once again to meet mine, my hand shifting to fit against his cheek.

"I don't want you to change time for me." My voice was softer, as I knew he listened to me when my voice was sweeter, and I could see him melting already.

"You know how fragile time is. I don't want you risking anything just for me. I just want to be here with you, with our family. In this time. And maybe, in the future, Dad will let you time travel, and you can do it safely." His only response was to let his head fall onto my shoulder, the room falling silent. The hand that had been resting on his cheek moved to the back of his head, my hand running slowly through his soft hair. Our other hands remained intertwined, silence setting in the room, the only sound Five's faint humming as my fingers massaged his head. I felt myself lean down, pressing a light kiss into his mess of hair, hoping he wouldn't notice. If he did, he didn't react, and just remained in my grasp, letting the hours drift on.


A shiver ran down my spine, my body reacting to the sudden lack of warmth. I tried to keep my eyes shut as muffled voices filled my ears, but it was too loud to go back to sleep. The whine that emitted from my throat as the light hit my eyes alerted those who had been talking to my awaking, which halted the conversation. Across from me sat Luther on a chair by the bed, Five sat facing him on the bed beside me.

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