Chapter 13 - Happy

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My eyes flickered open to a familiar room. I could barely focus enough to remember why I recognised it, so I resorted to finding something smaller to recognise. My eyes fell upon the figure in front of me and all I could do was smile.

"Dolores! So nice to see you again! My my what crazy lives we have! So sorry we met under such awful circumstances! I do hope you're feeling alright! Got a bit injured myself apparently. Still a little dizzy. Have you seen Five? No? Damn. I hope he's okay too. You two seem to know each other well. Long time to spend time with one person." I pull myself up into a sitting position, wincing lightly as I hit my wins against the backboard of the bed. Reaching over to the chair she was perched on, I pulled Dolores into my lap. I leant into her, one hand holding her upright and the other cupped around my mouth as my voice lowers to a whisper.

"Honestly, I'm a little jealous of you. Spending so much time with Five. I waited a suuuper long time for him to come back, and he returns with another women! Quite rude if you ask me. But you're an angel so I can't hate you." I pull away a little to speak normally again.

"I'm glad I got to meet you. You're a very lovely lady and any friend of Five's is a friend of mine. Plus you sat by my bedside! That's so sweet! We don't even know each other that well! No wonder Five likes you so much! I wish I was as good as you. Maybe Five wouldn't have left me if I was good like you. Do you think he hates me for not stopping him like everyone else does?.. Everyone says that, Dolores. Which mean it's lie, so they do hate me for it. And probably so does Five... Wait, he's what?" My gaze fall to the doorway to see Five leaning into it, a soft smile befalling the pair of us.

"Five! How long have you been listening? We were just talking! Right, Dolores?" He ignored my exclamation and wandered into the room, pausing at my bedside to place his hand over my forehead. 

"You're still a little doped up, but that won't affect much." His hands left my head to lean into me to examine my back. The close proximity made my cheeks heat. I'll blame the fever.

"That accelerated healing of yours works a treat, huh." He nodded and pulled away, heading straight for the doorway.

"Come on, we've still got work to do." It took me a few seconds to realise he'd left before I jumped from the bed, Dolores still in my arms. The sound of the window opening alerted me to Five leaving in a fashion I hadn't expected, but I followed nonetheless. I struggled down the ladder that stretched its way down into the fire exit as a commotion could be heard below from within the rubbish bin.

"You know there are easier ways out of the house, buddy?" Klaus chuckled as Five hit the ground.

"This one involved the least amount of talking. Or so I thought." Five continued on in an attempt to ignore Klaus, but Klaus had other plans.

"Hey hey hey, so... Need anymore company today?" Klaus pulled out a flask and leant in the side of the bin as if his choice of hangout spot was normal.

"I've got enough already, thanks." Five gestured to me as I descended the final ladder and turned away from his brother and continues down the alleyway. As I finally reach the bottom and a small breath I didn't know I was holding in was released as my feet meet solid ground.

"Aw, come on! You always choose her! I want to spend time with my brother. Not you. iMi hermano!" I sent my brother a sheepish smile as I started a light jog to catch up with Five, who was waiting for me beside some sort of van.

"Where did you get this?" He just shrugged at me and climbed into the driver's seat, leaving me to clamber into the passenger seat. I placed Dolores into the middle of the two seat and prepared to fold myself to fit through the doorway only to realise I already fitted. I peered behind me to realise my wings barely spanned the width of my back. Guess they hadn't regrown yet. I gave them a swift flap and felt my feet lift off the ground. I could get used to this. I climbed into the van feeling a little satisfied with myself. Five gave me just enough time to close the door before the van took off down the street, heading straight towards the familiar road that held the prosthetic tech building. He stops the van, parks it facing the road towards the large building and just stares out into the street. I sat in silence for a few minutes, unsure of whether or not to speak. My head had cleared with the drive and the silence was a little much considering I had no idea what we were doing.

"So what are we doing?" Five didn't pull his eyes from the road.

"Waiting for the Meritech guy to go home." He really hated to elaborate.


"Because he knows more than he told me and I'm going to get it out of him." I'd seen Five kill several men without a second thought, so I didn't have high hopes for this techs guy's future.

"How are you feeling?" Five seemed to have made the effort to look away from me this time as he gazed down the road.

"Fine. All good. No pain. I'm okay." His smile was almost hidden, but I could see the corners of his mouth twitch upwards in the vans side mirror.

"I'm sorry. I know you told me not to let it happen again." His smile faltered.

"Those were the selfish words of a 13 year old. Just as long as you're okay." I rested my hand on his shoulder, making him look up towards me.

"You don't have to act like these things don't bring up bad memories, Five. You've been through a lot." My hand slid off his shoulder as my own gaze fell to the road ahead.

"I've been meaning to ask. Is it okay that I'm around? You know since you saw me in the future and all. It's not painful?" Five took my hands in his own, holding them tight between us as he forced my eyes back to him.

"Seeing you alive and happy is the only thing that stops me seeing the future every time I close my eyes. Because I will do anything to make sure you stay alive and happy."

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