A Touch of Blue {OC}

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Main Character: Cloe Todd; sixth year; Ravenclaw; Leo; long black wavy hair; bright blue eyes; tall thin figure; low self-esteem

Snape x Female

Book: Half-Blood Prince

Recommend song: False God by Taylor Swift & Doin' Time by Lana Del Rey (all songs can be found in my snape playlist in my Spotify account that is linked in my bio)

The day was Friday night and nobody had classes until Monday morning, but I had taken all week to handwrite a letter to Professor Snape because... Well... It isn't easy to hide a crush that you have on a teacher from your best friends let alone have them keep their mouths shut about it around people so you kind of have to take things into your own hands, like what I am doing. Writing a letter to be sent to Snape at 11 pm where he will hopefully not chase Hope, my owl, back to my room. I read over the letter I had written to make sure that I had spelled everything correctly and I had made the sentences sound realistic hoping that he wouldn't slap me across the head right when I got into class on Monday or search for me over the weekend. I warmed up some black wax, put the letter into an empty envelope pressed the hot wax onto the seams and then painted some gold glitter on the rose that the wax press left. I whistled for Hope and gave it to her and told her,

"To Severus Snape, and don't mess this up." She flew out of my window and I took this moment to go to sleep if there was a response waiting for me the next morning we'd see if I had enough time to even look for it since Luna would want to take me to Hogsmeade bright and early.

****The Next Morning****

I woke up to the sound of someone trying to play my piano but failing miserably. I opened my eyes and saw Cho gently tapping on the keys trying to find a good rhythm that made sense, but to be honest she was having a hard time trying to figure it out. I groaned when she hit a flat note and she turned over to look at me.

"Ugh, thank gosh you're awake, Luna won't stop sending messages to ask me if you have woken up already."

"And thank gosh you stopped playing." I chuckled as Cho just frowned at me.

"I'm trying my best alright?" I chuckled again and got up to go to the bathroom. I put on some fairly normal muggle clothes which are only black and wrapped my hair up in a bun since I was too tired to go and have a shower before meeting Luna in the courtyard. I grabbed my combat boots, and a beanie and threw on my light grey jacket and left the common room hoping I wouldn't run into anybody knowing about what I sent to Snape last night. I made my way through the hallways saying hello and good morning to the professors that I knew and finally found myself walking towards Luna where she ran up to me and grabbed my arm.

"Come on! We can't waste any more time!" She said before she started to drag me alongside her as she started to move at a jogging pace.

"What is SO important that I have to wake up this early and run to Hogsmeade with you for?"

"We have to prepare for your first date dummy!" I stopped in my tracks which made Luna slow down very quickly and turn towards me.

"No, I am NOT going on any dates you have planned Lovegood."

"Oh come on Clo! You'll love him!" I let go of her hand and said back,

"I most especially will not! You know I'm not the kind of person to do these types of things." She sighed and responded,

"Trust me, once I can hook you up with Snape-" I cut her off right when she finished saying his name.

"Shh!" I looked around and saw a few people walking in front of us not even looking back at us like we weren't even here. I looked back at Luna and said,

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