Preference: You're Late For Class

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"Dammit! Again?! Really me?!" You say to yourself as you quickly grab all your things and throw on your cloak and shoes. You're a teacher at Hogwarts and you're also the only one who's late regularly. You lock the door behind you with a spell before running through the facility tower, before finally making it to the halls where you pick up some speed hoping to make it to your classroom in time for classes to start.

Of course, however, you must run down, through the one side of the castle, through the defense against the dark arts tower, and then go down near the dungeons. While you make your way through the winding and long halls, not to mention the 8 million stairs you finally end up near your end of the castle. Rounding a corner, you see Severus walking around, probably waiting for some extra students to come to class at the last minute. He looks at you with a raised eyebrow and a bit of a disappointed yet amused face.

"Running late again?" You quickly get closer to him as you must pass his class to get to yours.

"Shut up." That is all you say as you blow past him.

"The offer for morning tea with me to make sure you get ready on time still stands."

"Yeah, yeah." You wave your hand back at him and quickly head down another set of stairs leaving him behind to just shake his head and sigh. You make it to your class with only a few seconds to spare. Some of your students look at you as you enter, but most at this point are used to you coming in late and bargaining through the door. Some of them would hope that maybe you'd forget to come and teach so that they can leave early and not have to do your class that day. Even though most of your students enjoy your course. 

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