Ch. 8

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Lucky's pov

"Jadooooon! JadonJadonJadon!" I squeal while hugging the giant stuffed penguin.

"Yes Lucky?"

"Can I get him, pleaaaaaaaaaaase?" We've been together for about two months now. So far I've gotten used to the death threats and glares, it's only natural when I'm mated to the equivalent of a prince. But right now I'm not worried about those, I'm worried about getting home in time.

Jadon's friend from another pack and her mate are coming to visit at the same time that I'm supposed to start my heat. We're shopping for nesting supplies and snacks right now but as soon as we get home Jadon has to go discuss pack matters with his father and friend.

"Fine, but this is the last one!" He says, putting it into the cart with about six other stuffed animals.

We check out then head to the car and load bags into it. I get in the passengers seat and buckle in excited to get back to the house.

When we arrive we head straight to our room and gather some more nesting materials for me. Usually an omega would nest in their room or their mates room but in Jadon's house he has a special room that holds the pheromones in and had squishy walls and a squishy floor to make it extra comfy. The past few days Jadon has been spending time in there so that it smells like him for me.

"Lucky, I've gotta go. Do you want my sweater for your nest?" I nod so he takes it off and hands it to me. I smile and hug him.

"I love you Jadon." I whisper into his chest. "I love you so much."  Jadon wraps his arms around me and hugs me back before leaving. I gather up my bags and make my way to the nesting room and open the door.

The room is a light cream color with a T.V. Mounted to one wall and a little fridge next to it. There's a thin mattress in one corner for me to make my nest on. I breathe in Jadon's scent as I dump my bags of stuffed animals and other soft things out and get to work.

I sit in my nest and bury my face in Jadon's sweater, basking in his scent. I feel my body heating up and whine.

"Why did his friend have to come today of all days?" I ask no one in particular. "At least she'll leave before my heat ends so we'll have a few days." What were just pre heat symptoms up until today we're getting worse as my heat starts.

I hear a knock on the door and a guy about my age walks in. He plugs his nose and stays by the door. I feel like I recognize him but I can't figure out why until I see the little dove tattoo on his pointer finger.


"Lucky? You're the mate of that hot guy?!"

"Heh, yeah...why are you here? I haven't heard from you in years."

"Oh, about's cuz I was out one day and this girl just snatched me. Turns out my mate was from another pack. I'm here with her on business but your mate asked me to check on you." Adam approaches me and crouches down in front of me, putting one hand on my waist and the other on the side of my face. "Lucky, is is he better than me?"

"Wh-what do you mean?" I ask out of confusion.

"Like, is fucking an alpha better than fucking me?" My eyes widen, surprised that he would bring up what we used to do.

"W-well not better I guess just different. I also don't remember really how you felt."

"I could show you?" He leans closer and lowers his hand from my waist to my butt. I let out a shaky breath and look away.

"But we're both mated, it would be wrong."

"But I'm just helping you, after all you are in heat. You're gonna need to be taken if you wait too much longer." He pushes himself onto me and presses our mouths together. I'm too shocked to do anything. Adam slides his tongue inside of my mouth while I just sit there, frozen. From just his few moves I can feel myself getting hotter and horny. Despite what my wolf wants I push Adam off.

"I don't want this! I have a mate and I'm faithful to him." Adam frowns but gets up.

"Fine, I'll go then. By the way, Jadon sent me to tell you that the meeting would be over soon and he'll be up as soon as he can." With that Adam takes his leave, exiting the pheromone filled room and closing the door.

About half an hour later there's another knock at the door and Jadon steps in. He makes a funny face as he's hit with the smell I'm letting off.

"Hey baby." He says, walking over. "How're you holding up?"

"I'm maintaining homeostasis." I reply with a straight face. A look of obvious confusion comes across him and I can tell he doesn't get my joke. "I'm alright, a little hot and a little sore but mostly alright." He nods and caresses my face.

"Baby, you're still really early into your heat, why do you smell like that?" Jadon leans forward and sniffs at my scent gland. He laughs lightly. "What were you doing that got you so arroused?"

"Oh...I-I was thinking about all the things we'll do once your friend leaves."

"Mmm who says we have to wait?" He says nipping at the gland. I gasp and push at him playfully.

"Jadon! Not now, we have guests!" He shakes his head.

"Maria and Adam went to visit downtown. So we've got no reason to hurry."

"Jadon, I know that my scent is getting you excited but right now I'm just really hot and in pain. Haven't gotten to horny yet, but soon. It alway goes Hot, Hurt, Horny." Jadon sighs and just snuggles up to me and I do the same to that we're cuddled together in my nest.

Yeah so, hope you enjoyed? Idk but thanks for reading my shit at least someone appreciates it. Like and comment I guess.

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