Nymphet Romantic Relationships

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I thought I'd do a chapter on this because I feel like I've got a significant amount experience to where my advice could be considered valid. 🎀🍒
1) it's perfectly okay to like men who are significantly older than you, but do not engage in a relationship with one if you are not of legal age, this would be 18 years old. There are many reasons for this: You're  younger and much less mature and therefore prone to manipulation on his part. It's already hard enough being in a relationship but it's even harder being in one you can't tell everyone about and ask for advice when needed, with out fear of ridicule on your part and persecution on his. Even at eighteen your brain isn't fully developed so it's still going to be quite difficult. At younger ages he can have an easier time talking you into something that you don't want (yes I'm talking about sex). Even if you both want to go all the way you still cannot give legal consent. It is still 100% okay to like older men if you are younger and your feelings are completely and totally valid♥️
2) there are a lot of men out there who totally amazing, kind, loving and sexy; so if you're not with anyone right now or if no body has shown romantic interest in you yet don't worry there are plenty of hot older men out there to see what you got and want to build a relationship with you.
3) make him work for your affection, love, time, and, appreciation. Don't just give it to him without him having done anything. He has to deserve you and if he hasn't done much to prove himself worthy of how incredible you are then, say it together girls (he doesn't deserve me). Of course it works both ways, but he is not the one reading this you are.
4) If you want to have sex with your man (and are 18) then have sex with him. There is nothing wrong with sex, it is not something to be ashamed of, and it feels really good. So if you both agree then it's a win, win. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise. Don't let anyone slut shame you for doing what you want just be safe. Also if you don't want to, then please honey, don't do it, don't feel pressure to consent. It's your body, it's your choice, it's your rules. You can say no at any time and I mean any time. He can be penetrating you for all I care and you can still say no. (That was probably a bit excessive but I just wanted to make sure you understood♥️)
5) don't be afraid to tell him you love him. If you love your man let him know. He more than likely feels the same way and men don't always have to be the first to do everything.
6) be yourself rather that be sassy, dramatic, a smart ass, kind, innocent, sensitive, or all of the above. Be genuine in who you are and that will make him love you so much more than he already does. And except the same in return.
7) if you get dumped it's okay to be sad in fact it's normal, but remember it's his loss not yours and you can do so much better. There are more people out there who are more suitable for you and meet all your standards.
8) you do not need a relationship to be happy. Before you can love and be secure with someone else you need to love and feel secure with you first. Especially if you're after older men.

This was a much longer chapter lol.'Until next time stay safe stay beautiful xoxo Daisy ♥️🎀

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