My Babe

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Title: My babe
Author: Ice

You keep on telling to yourself that you're a disgusting person.
You always keep on telling that I'm judging you.
Why do you always keep on depending yourself of what everyone's say?
How I can feel disgusting if I'm in love with you?
How I can judge you if I'm just jealous?
Are you dumb?
Fuck you,men! I really do love you.
I'm fucking jealous.
I want to own you.
But I can't.
There's something that makes us apart.

Few days, I haven't seen you.
I keep on teaching my heart to love someone.
I keep on thinking someone I'm not in love with.
I always doubt my love for you.
Maybe I'm just love you because I'm carving my father's love.
Would it possible?
Do I really love you?
Can I teach my heart to unloved you?
Can I teach to love someone else?
My love for you is very strong.
I can't teach my heart to fall someone.
You're the only one I love.
I still love you so much babe.

I can think that you love me too.
Because your eyes is shining whenever you look at me.
But I don't want to assume.
Coz I don't want to hurt myself over and over again.
And there is also walls that makes us apart.
A wall that can't we broke.
A wall that needs to sacrifice.
Loving someone like you is a mistake.
But could I stop myself from loving you?
Why is it so hard?
I love you babe.
She still loves you babe.

Sometimes I doubt that you both love each other.
Or both of you is in relationship.
And if I asked her.
She always answered me that not.
Would I believe it?
She once tell me that both of you is in relationship.
And then she keep on denying.
Was it a truth?
I felt hopeless that my question is answered.

It is not edited...

Be aware of my wrong grammar.

POETRYTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon