The Hanahaki Disease - Kirikami

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"Denki, bro, you okay?"

I had fallen into a painful coughing fit, and in the end I had a handful of different petals, some red, some black and some white. Kirishima had looked at me with wide eyes, and I just stared at my hand, confused on as to why I had just coughed up a bunch of flowers, this isn't normal. My throat still seared with pain as I felt a hand clap onto my shoulder, and then stiffen.

"K-Kiri. Why are you holding flower petals?" Mina seemed genuinely worried.

I shrugged my shoulder,

"Well, I haven't eaten a flower so, I don't know..." Bakugou Tched at us,

"You all know It's the stupid Hanahaki Disease, just spit it out already, dumb fucks"

Kirishima choked on his drink, and mina squeezed my shoulder,

"I'm sorry kami"

"God, Bakugou, way to put it bluntly."

I was confused, what's The Hanahaki Disease? Why did I have it?

"Uh, Hanahaki? What?"

Kirishima sighed, looked down and shook his head,

"It's basically a flower growing in your lungs, and It's formed from unrequited love, the fact that you just coughed up petals means that it's already grown, You'll have to get it removed before it suffocates you to death"

He scratched the back oh his head nervously, There was a way to get rid of it? Great.

"How do I get rid of it?"

Mina butted in,

"Well, they surgically remove it, but... because the flowers already bloomed, its in your blood stream, and it's connected to all the memories of the one you love, and-"

Bakugou snapped at us, obviously irritated. "It's either don't get it removed, and die, Or get it removed and forget everything and everything about Kirishima."

Kirishima choked on his drink, yet again. "Me- What? No?"

"Look at the colour of the petals, fuckface, It's obvious"

I gulped, and slowly put my fistful of petals under the table, squishing them as tightly as possible.

*Le time skippu brought to you by this sentence*

I flopped onto my bed, the dorms have never seemed so crowded, news spreads so quickly, everyone's been asking if I'm okay, and what I'm going to do about it. Are they stupid? I won't forget about Kirishima even if it kills me.

And just like that, another coughing fit hit me, And it was more agonising then any form of blast I've gotten from Bakugou. A few red petals fell from my blood smeared fingers, I got up and gabbed a tissue. I've decided I'll go down silently, without a single complaint., Death doesn't seem that scary, right? After a few hours of dreamless sleep, I woke up to a searing jab to my chest and throat, and just like magic, a whole black flower just fell out of my agape mouth, and onto my lap. I sighed and chucked it in the small bin from my bed.

"Kaminari - Kun!"

I Opened up my dorm door to Izuku Midoriya just about to knock, he looked shocked for a moment, but quickly regained his composure.

"Kaminari! Do you have any notes from English yesterday!? I accidently fell asleep, and I don't have anything to revise now!"

I laughed at the frantic, panicked Midoriya, opening my door fully, motioning for him to come in.

"Chill, Midoriya, Of cause I do, you didn't miss that much anyway"

I didn't receive a reply, so I looked up to see Midoriya staring at my bin, which was littered with a few petals around it, and one or two full flowers littering the insides of it. I chuckled nervously, regaining The green heads attention.

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