Episode One -

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"That's mean Kacchan"

"can't you see he's crying?"

"If you keep going, i-i-I'll never forgive you!"

I yelled the last half of my sentence, Katsuki Bakugou's current target was behind me, on their knees and in tears. I was already fearing my life. I got into the best fighting stance I knew, my legs slightly spread apart, my knees bent, and my hands in front of, with my elbows bent and my fist clenched, But I knew I wouldn't' be able to win. I was crying, shit scared of Kacchan, what was I suppose to do against him? Hiss?

Kacchan just stared at me shocked or confused, a few bleak moments, and then he smiled, well, more like smirked, he smirked at me, he knew I wouldn't fight him, his quirk had already manufactured, a powerful explosion quirk, and his two friends behind him, his acquaintances, had their own quirks, ready to cheer on their leader.

"Even though you're quirkless"

He smashed his fist into his palm, triggering a small explosion

"You're pretending to be a hero, Deku?"

He smiled at me with the last word, it looked terrifying. All three of them jumped at me, Kacchan Looked like he was about to murder me, I skedaddled backwards, completely lost for words, He was going to kill me, I was going to die at the hands of my friend. They hit and kick, slap and shoved me, the sun was just watching, Beaming down on us.

After they had done their roles, they left, leaving me and the original victim to help ourselves, Me bruised and battered and the other in a state of shock. I was laying on my back as if I was making snow angles, and the kid was on his hands and knees looking over me.

All men were not created equal

This was the reality i learned about society at the young age of four

_Time skip_

And that was my first and last set back

I was running in my black uniform, through the city, straight through a puddle, soaking my original red shoes, My yellow bag was rather heavy as well, but I didn't care. I was so excited as I ran by people and cars, even when I had to stop at crossing, I didn't stop moving. I continued running, my smile didn't cease as I ran past and under cherry blossoms, past judgemental citizens and buildings i never bother to stop and look out. There was a villain, and where there were villains, there were pro heroes, and I had to get  there! I had to see them in action.

I'm Izuku Midoriya, One of the few quirkless people of this world, but that didn't stop me- I was going to become the worlds best pro hero!

People were videoing the raging muscular looking shark dude thing, If someone didn't show up soon, Tatooin station would be ruined, where are they? There were police officer directing people away and talking through megaphones, but i payed o attention.

"It's a huge villain!" I was beyond happy.

_Queue opening song_

It all began in china, in Quingqing city

There was news that a baby that gave off light was born


The man was terrified, he had his knuckles up to his mouth, making noises of confusement as ha scampered back.

Ever since then, super powers were discovered in various places

And time passed without the cause being identified

Before we knew it, the supernatural became normal

And dreams became reality

The world has become a super human society

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