ー 리구 나쓰메 | ace

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The lunch bell had rang around the school and since it's only a few days the first semester had started as in 2019, students flocked to the cafeteria to feed their empty stomach

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The lunch bell had rang around the school and since it's only a few days the first semester had started as in 2019, students flocked to the cafeteria to feed their empty stomach.

Riku and Beomgyu was the last to leave the biology laboratory after having some inquiry session with their teacher on part that they didn't understand well from today's lesson.

Walking towards their locker, the boys were too inversed in their boy talk that they doesn't realize a tiny trailing behind them quietly.

Only after the boys had stuffed up their school bag with material for the next class and locked their locker, they felt a force tugging their blazers to cause them stepped back unwillingly.

It was Yuqi, their close friend from class next door. Originally, the three of them had been classmates since last year of middle school and they were close ever since.

However, when high school came, they got separate with Yuqi now sorted into class 2-2 while the boys got into class 2-1. Although they were in different classes, the trio had promised to sit together during lunchtime and casually hang out like they always do.

The shorter girl slung both her arm around the two boys and tighten her hold around them,

"I miss you guys!"

Beomgyu literally tapping her hands off and faintly pointed out, "Y-you're trying to kill us, Yuqi."

"Oh, sorry," she released them from her hug and smile apologetically.

Riku faked a cough to the extent he's being a little overdramatic and accusingly point his finger at her, "M-murderer!"

Yuqi raised her hand in a surrender manner before walking towards the direction of the cafeteria, leaving the boys to catch up after her.

"Yuqi, I was only kidding," hollered Riku.

"And I got chocolate! Wait for us!" Beomgyu added.


"Look at these chocolates my parents bought from Switzerland!" Beomgyu places the famous branded shopping bag, that looks like it will be exploding chocolate volcano, on the table as he present it to Riku and Yuqi. Making both of his close friends half amazed and half disbelieved.

Yuqi's eyes blinks repetitively before exclaiming, "My mother never buy me this much!"

"Your tooths will fall out, that's why," Riku looked over the pouting girl and chuckled, earning a glare from the girl.

As if he predicted, Riku jumped on Beomgyu's back, avoiding Yuqi's hand that almost hit his back which results in Beomgyu being the victim to receive such unfair treatment.

"Guys! I brought chocolate, not to get hit!"

His two friends winced a 'sorry' and settle down before getting themselves in a long nagging session by Beomgyu. Luckily, he was in a good mood that he didn't bother to spend another minute scolding his two friends.

Riku got himself a bar of dark chocolate, his favorite. Seeing how his eyes crinkles, Beomgyu smiled in satisfaction while giving Yuqi her shares of chocolates as the girl eagerly accepted them.

Riku spotted the mirror keychain on Beomgyu's school bag before smiling sheepishly.

"Ya Gyu, did you break your mirror?"

Eyes widen, Beomgyu seemed alarmed and went to examine his precious mirror that he hangs on his bag, only to see visible cracks.

Yuqi gasped and looked at him in horror. Knowing how Beomgyu loves his mirror and always had one close to him, no matter where he went. Some might misunderstood of him being a narcissist when actually it's been a habit of him to always check himself cause he wants to look neat and presentable.

The cracked mirror in his hand, Beomgyu doesn't seems affected that much like how they would expect him to be. For him, it's just an object and if it is broken, he could just buy a new one.

"It's no big deal," Beomgyu just laughed it off before throwing the mirror inside the trash bin nearby and sat down next to Riku.

"Well..." Riku trailed, gaining attention of his two friends before he continues, "You do know that if you break a mirror, you're going to have bad luck for the rest of the year."

The boy besides him froze in his seat and turned to Riku's direction, looking all mortified.

"Oh no," Yuqi whispered.

"It's only been few days of the new semester!" Beomgyu shrieked as he got his hands on his head, looking worried.

He did it again, Riku. It has been his routine to simply mess around with his friends. Their reaction usually quite funny. No matter how many times he jokingly lies, they still fall for it. They don't really mind though as they are aware on how Riku would goof around when he open up to some people.

Riku stifled a laugh and raised his eyebrows, "Don't tell me you guys still believe in superstition."

Yuqi scratched her head, "... perhaps we just did?"

"Okay let's talk about something else," Beomgyu clapped his hands, trying to save himself from the slight embarrassment he felt. He cleared his throat.

"Can we talk about how Riku's face is literally small?"

Riku shook his head and pinched the bridge of his nose in amusement. He added,

"How can a Slytherin befriend with these two Gryffindors?"

"How can a Slytherin befriend with these two Gryffindors?"

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• Member of Euphoria Swim Club •

Name : Riku Natsume | Nam RyeounBirthdate : July 9, 2000Class : 2-1Swimming Style : Backstroke

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Name : Riku Natsume | Nam Ryeoun
Birthdate : July 9, 2000
Class : 2-1
Swimming Style : Backstroke

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