ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ : 01

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Right behind the school was where the desolated swimming pool lies. Younghyun planned to check out the pool as soon as he finished all his classes. In between every lessons, he keeps on looking out the window. It would be a lot of work and he need to start quick.

Mr. Choi had reminded him that the swimming pool was long abandoned ever since the club dissolved and some things need to be fix up or even replace with a new one.

When his last class had ended, Younghyun quickly went to the back of the school ground and he stood before the swimming pool gate.

By the obvious rusty chains and the fading colors on the wall, the school might haven't give much attention to these place.

"Such a shame", Younghyun thought. He swung open the gate and climb the concrete stairs that lead him up to the drained pool. He slightly scrunched his nose at the sight of how the pool was badly neglected.

"Small plants coming out from the pool's wall doesn't sound attractive at all," He put down his bag and rolled up his sleeve to his elbows.


- 2.45 p.m. -
[Hallway, Ground Floor, Euphoria High School]

Yejun dragged her feet and headed to the back of the school's building. She popped up a lollipop inside her mouth as she walks. At this time of the day, she tends to crave for some sweets.

She just want to leave the school but the amount of text spams she received from Younghyun telling her to come was the reason she stay back a bit. Plus, she was quite curious on how the swimming pool looks like.

Turning to the intersection that leads to her destination, she collided against someone causing both of them fall hard on the concrete floor. She winced in pain and heard the person stood up.

Her eyes trails up to see the nametag of the guy that reads 'Jeon Wonwoo'. It was the senior from a math club, runner-up after Kang Jiwoo in maths competition.

The said senior glanced at her sternly before sighing and pick up his school bag. He turned in his heel and walk away. Leaving the poor girl still on the floor and blinking her eyes.

She was still in a dazed that she doesn't realize Senior Wonwoo came back, holding out a candy.

"Here, for your lollipop," his deep voice pulled her back to reality as she let out a 'huh'.

Only by then she was aware of her missing lollipop and turned around to see it lying on the floor nearby. She rubbed her head as she let out an awkward dry laugh, standing up.

He eyed her and grabbed her hand, putting the candies he bought from the food machine nearby since it was partly his fault that they hit each other accidentally. With that he walked past her.

Yejun watched as his silhouette disappeared and the sound of her phone ringing wake her up before she could even replay the earlier incident in her head.

"Xing, are you ditching me?" Younghyun's voice sounded tired and that made Yejun rushed to him, feeling apologetic for being a little bit late but she doesn't regret it as she smiles all the way in her run.

Younghyun was pulling out the unwanted weed from the pool's tile. He turned around when he heard footsteps coming,

"Where have you been, Lee Yejun?"

Much to his surprise, it is not her. The person who is now looking down at him, who was standing on the pool ground, is the guy from the other class.

Oh Minhyun with a poster in his hands. That poster the one Younghyun drew himself.

"Hi, do you need a hand?" Minhyun smiled and another boy popped next to him, slinging his arms comfortably around Minhyun.

"What are you doing down there, Younghyunnie?" Hyunjin sheepishly give him a grin, knowing that he was being too comfortable for addressing him casually without the 'senior'.

Younghyun got annoyed and start to climb the ladder and chased after the junior guy, leaving Minhyun chuckling as he watch the cat and mouse moment.

Soon after, Yejun arrived as she's panting, trying to catch her breathe and barely standing still. Running in skirt and in an unsuitable shoe doesn't really helps her to come fast enough.

Seeing how the girl probably have a hard time breathing, Minhyun approached her and lead her to take a seat on the concrete bench with a roof shading them from the blazing sun. Yejun thanked him, in return.

"What are they doing?" Yejun squinted her eyes to witness the two boys circling the pool. Minhyun shrugged as he enjoy watching over the two, exhausting themselves under the hot weather.


This chapter may appear slightly short as the original one got all messy so I decided to rearranged it like this and move some of part to another chapter. The second chapter will be out tomorrow or later if I managed to get it done :)

 The second chapter will be out tomorrow or later if I managed to get it done :)

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Also, this is how the pool will look like.

I'm not sure what color you prefer for the school uniform and I don't know if you like the uniform in the picture above

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I'm not sure what color you prefer for the school uniform and I don't know if you like the uniform in the picture above. Do let me know your opinion uwu.

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