Chapter 12: MACY

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Macy pulled the marching band plume off her head exhaustedly. She wiped away the sweat dribbling down her forehead, the other band girls around her doing the same. There was a chorus of distant whooping and hollering as a series of ringing bells rattled. Macy couldn't help but frown, knowing that was the last homecoming halftime show she would perform. A fellow mellophone player slammed her locker, now adorned in Harldmen attire. "Good job, Macy! We sounded great! I'll see you in the bleachers!" Macy nodded as the girl exited the locker room.

Once Macy had pulled her Stallions Marching Band sweatshirt over her head and slipped into a pair of black skinny jeans she hauled her gym bag to the mirror. Her makeup had collected under her eyes, making it appear as if she were on drugs. She wiped it away and then patted a fresh coat of foundation on her face. She left the rest of her makeup untouched, now interested in her hair. The girls were required to tie their hair into buns. Macy ripped the hair-tie out of her hair, frowning at the explosion of hair on her head. She rummaged through her bag, spotting her comb at the very bottom. After snagging it through her hair she wrapped it back up into a neat pony-tail, held in place by a golden headband.

Macy marched out of the locker room and paraded down the short hallway to the football field. Anticipation mingled with a little fear tingled in her spine. Tomorrow night was the homecoming dance. Tomorrow night would be the best night of her life with Stephen Star at her side.

She stepped out the door, her vision suddenly overflowing with hollering teenagers, twirling cheerleaders, tomato-faced coaches, burly football players, disheveled teachers, and miniature carefree toddlers wobbling about. With every step popcorn kernels crunched beneath her feet to the accompaniment of howling fans. The strong scent of over-salted nachos and undercooked brats clogged her nasal passages. There wasn't a better feeling than powerful winds slicing across her bare arms. She was going to miss marching band.

Macy caught sight of Dan closing in on the parking gate by the ticket booth. She dashed after him, almost slamming straight into him. "Dan! You can't be going already! It's the last high school homecoming game you can attend the rest of your life!" Dan shrugged, resting his hand on the gate. "Being social isn't really my thing." Macy couldn't believe he was going to leave. "You're best friend is playing! Stephen is playing! If you love me you'll stay and keep me company!" He grinned, pushing through the gate. "Nice try. See you at the dance tomorrow." He began to walk into the crowded parking lot. "I guess you don't love me!" Macy called after him as he disappeared into the darkness.

She returned to the mass of people, slightly disappointed. She understood that a football game was certainly not Dan's idea of fun, but she still hoped he might stay and talk to her. She loved Kimber and Brent, but it wasn't the same.

Macy scanned the throng of individuals for either of her other best friends. She forced herself to ignore the many stares searing her skin. One would think that, after a week, the school would have found some other drama to be caught up in. Sure, it wasn't near as bad as it had been, but she still couldn't escape the harsh comments whispered behind her back. She spotted Brent's light brown hair towering over the crowd. Macy sped towards it, finding Sophie and Cat beside him. "Hey have you guys seen Kimber?" Cat's face had turned a dark shade of puce, giggles escaping her lips. Sophie, too, was unable to communicate. Brent shook his head gasping for air. "No- hic, I have- hic, haven't seen- hic, her." Macy rolled her eyes. Why was it that whenever the three of them were together, they were laughing?

Realizing that they would be little help, she asked herself: If I were Kimber where would I be? Macy grinned, knowing exactly where she would find her. She dodged small groups of people to find Kimber and Riley huddled together beneath the bleachers. Riley was tall, like Kimber, but her hair was flaming red and curly. She was very thin, but muscles bulged on her arms. Both Kimber and Riley were the same age, so Macy rarely ever saw her. "Hey!"

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