Chapter 57: OBGYN

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More OBGYN drama.

Wendy is a 35-year-old woman whose husband can't father children for 'male factor' reasons (usually because he has too few sperm or poor quality sperm -- this happens in 20-40% of couples experiencing infertility). She tells us her current pregnancy is by her brother-in-law, her sister's husband. He donated the sperm (Wendy's husband is aware and in agreement with this).

OK, a bit... odd. And maybe squicky. But we're not here to judge how consensual adults get their babies, so we just nod and carry on her admission documents. She came in for concerns about the baby not moving much.

She is later discharged after 24 hours of observation and a normal ultrasound. Baby is fine.

She comes in a few weeks later. This time, she tells us the baby is (genetically) her husband's. We are a bit surprised, given the documentation from previous admissions stating her telling us the genetic father of the baby is her brother-in-law.

"Ex-brother-in-law," she corrects us.


"He's, uh, my current boyfriend. And my ex-brother-in-law."


One of the midwives later went to ask her if her sister knows about their relationship. Apparently, the sister doesn't know.

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