Markus x Reader

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The android leader.
I gazed at the tv, my eyes hungrily scanning Markus's pixelated face. I just wanted to get home to my HD tv, and be able to see his face in 4k. I wish he was here. With me. I wish he was mine. I swear I started to drool unconsciously as I watched him. I was snapped out of my daydream as my coworker, Hank, tapped me on the shoulder. "Android warehouse bust. Now." I scowled. My department at the DPD were STILL set on destroying the deviants. They would kill me if they found out that I had a major crush on one, let alone the leader! I grimaced, and glanced down at my watch. It was 1:28. Still 7 hours to go before I could go home. I got geared up in my suit, along with a SWAT shield and baton. I did think that it was quite over-the-top, but I liked the feeling of safety.
-Time skip-
There I was. Outside the warehouse, fully decked out in my gear. Captain Alan turned around and counted down on his hands. On one, I took a deep breath, hoped Markus wasn't in there, and ran inside. It was empty. Captain Alan's face grew red, and told us to search the area. I stumbled into a storage closet, and heard a voice behind me draw a sharp breath. I didn't see anyone from the team duck in here, so who else was in here? I went to turn around, but I was grabbed from behind, I screamed, but my mouth was covered by a hand. "Shh," Someone behind me says. "You wouldn't want us to be found, would you?" I gasped, and realised I knew that voice far too well. I broke out of their grip, and wheeled around. There he was. The love of my life.
I felt my face grow red. I stuttered "I-I Markus-love-" he looked at me, slightly confused. "I-I love you!" I blurted out. "I've seen you on tv, and I've fallen for you. Hard!" He glanced around, and then pulled me close. "Well then," he spoke in a deep, seductive voice. "This should be fine with you." And his lips were on mine. I was shocked, but I loved it. It was a dream come true. Here was my number one crush, and he was kissing me! I felt him push me up against the closet wall, and my body arched as he pressed into me. I grabbed his waist, and he put his hands on my shoulders, clearly enjoying himself. I pulled away, gasping for breath, and he smirked. "You like that?" He asked, but I didn't have time to answer. He was already on top of me, his hands pressing deep into my chest. I felt his tongue snake around my lips, and I obliged, opening my lips slightly. He didn't hesitate, his hips pushing against mine. My eyelids fluttered in pleasure, and I opened them. I was back at work, and Hank was staring at me, concerned. "Y/n? Are you okay?" I looked around, and frowned. I was back at the DPD, the buzz as loud as ever. "You zoned out for a while, and I was worried!" He said, but I didn't care. I scowled and looked down at my watch. 1:29. I slumped into my desk, and groaned.

A/n: this one was also quite short, since a) I'm tired as heck. b) my hand has pins and needles. And c) I literally have no motivation or ideas to write lol.
I'll probably do a longer one next time, maybe a Connor x Reader or something. Idk.

Ps: 631 words!

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