Chapter 33 (Edited)

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Sleep came to them very little that night.

Rachael was at least able to sleep just a bit more then Taryn, which made her grateful that her friend could rest even if it meant having to cry until exhaustion took her.

When she had entirely fallen asleep, Taryn slowly got up and silently made her way towards the tray of food and looked at it. Stone cold, she examined the food.

She wasn't about to eat any of it. At least not tonight, for it could have been tampered with in some way, shape or form. Still, she wasn't about to test it. The last thing she needed was to be asleep for another whole day when the police returned.

"Don't eat food you don't know where it came from."

"Be wary of those who you believe in having involvement or ill intent."

"Don't show what you know; play dumb as if unaware."

"Ask questions if need be."

"Collect information that could be of use."

"Always know ways for a quick escape."

Words from her uncle, her grandfather, father and mother, and Isabella came through her mind like a checklist as she looked at the food with a narrowed gaze. Before writing a quick note of apology for not eating anything, and placed it along with the tray into the hallway and silently closed the door.

She paused when hearing the sound of the tray being moved, followed by the soft movement of feet. Peaking out into the hall using her compact, she caught a glimpse of the one who had taken the tray. It was Toya, wearing a kimono she presumed he wore to sleep, which was rather plain white in comparison to what Taryn and Rachael wore.

Had he been there the whole time? Had he followed them?

She clutched the compact close to her chest as she closed the sliding door; she didn't feel like they were followed when they first left the room that night. Recalling the painting made her stomach lurch. And now made her question his actions towards her.

She always hated to believe that a person's act of kindness was a preventive motive for something else entirely. Even though she was still cautious about what people knew of her, Taryn would rather see the good in others regardless of their background. Like with all those she had met in her life before this.

Letting out a breath, Taryn moved back to the futon, laying next to Rachael; Taryn felt her grasp Taryn's left hand in her sleep as she pulled the covers over them both, holding Rachael's hand with her other and closed her eyes in the hopes to get some sleep.

The following morning was when Taryn discovered another tray of food for them both with a note left atop a covered bowl of sweet rice porridge.

The note was written in Japanese; it read:

I have made sure it has not been tampered with in any way. I understand your unease, but you must keep up your strength. Please, I do not wish for you to fall ill.

Kitsutsuki Toya.

So, he knew that I thought it was tampered with. Taryn thought as she looked at the note with a faint frown.

"Something wrong, Taryn?" Rachael asked, already eating her food, unaware of what Taryn believed might have happened.

Taryn discreetly put the note in the sleeve of her robes, picked up the other bowl to eat that had been given for her and Rachael. "No, it's nothing." And began to eat, all the while a nagging feeling prodded in the back of her mind. After taking the first bite, waiting for five minutes with each portion to see if anything would happen, only to nothing change, she wondered why that was the case.

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